
We Got Lucky

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 3-25-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Walmart was on the morning agenda for some food products. Breakfast done and into Sierra we hopped. Rolled into Walmart and bought gas for $1.849 a gallon.  That was a nice surprise. After Sierra got us parked in a decent spot, the OFM Shopping Team grabbed the grocery list and headed for the door.

Something was odd though. When we got to the side door we normally use it was locked. The sign on the door says the Del Rio powers that be had changed the rules to Shelter in Place in general. The next set of rules said that Walmart and may other stores could only have 50 shoppers in them at a time.

OK, so we went around to the front door to get in the short line.  A lady there was keeping count and when folks came out she let the same number back in. While you waited another  employee went to everyone with hand sanitizer for cleaning your hands. It was only about three minutes of waiting and as soon as the hand juice dried the Teams went right in.

There were more stockers and other store workers than customers. We did quick work on the shopping and were soon on our way back to Sierra. In the parking lot the OFM heard two fellows mention that the entire Amistad NRA was closed. Hmm we had more pictures to take yet.

Back at the Castle we learned that we got lucky that we had a “long term rental” in the campground and could stay there until we wanted to leave. But the rule is Shelter in Place. In other words don’t go running around for the fun of it. Those folks boondocking out in the Park had to pack up and leave today. Del Rio is treating monthly RV rental the same as apartment rentals.  Neither can rent to new monthly folks until the restriction is lifted.

We were researching the ramifications of all this mess when the OFM looked out into our back/side yard and saw this view.

The sun came out HOT about 1300 and the weather station said this.

So the OFM decided that the upper half of the bathroom window needed to be insulated since he could feel a lot of heat coming through it. Foam was retrieved and cut to fit. Placing it in the frame was a brute force event but it worked out well as you can see. The bottom half is yet not decided what to do about it.

The weather forecast is for another HOT day tomorrow and then at least 10 days of decent and warm weather afterward.  So this might not be to bad of a lock down for doing inside things. Now to catch up on the trying to have tooooo much fun part of this lifestyle.

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