
Income Tax Finished

Adventure Location: Amistad NRA Texas
Adventure Date: 3-18-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

Another slow  day. The Teams did get in a short ride over to the 454 day use area for a couple of photos.  This is pictures of a finger off the main lake bottom. The lake is down 38 feet as of tonight.

This picture is taken looking east.  The sun was not bright but somewhat faded by the light cloud cover. The top of the brush and rocks to the right at full lake level is under about 18 feet of water.  When the lake is down the NRA uses this area and boat ramp for day use. We have had some good hikes and yak trips in these lake fingers in the past.


Now we are looking west at a small cliff that is about 15 feet high. When the lake is low like now, this spot is popular with swimmers because of the deep water  close to the rocks.  Jumping/diving from this cliff top is not good due to some large boulders about five feet under the water just out from the cliff. The water is normally clear enough to see 15 feet or so under water and is a great swimming spot.

It was not the best feeling day for the OFM but he did get his income tax done and ready to mail tonight. It is fairly easy when your only significant income is SSA.

So we are hoping for an exciting day tomorrow while we are searching for having tooooo much fun.

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