
Diablo East Marina Picnic Area

Adventure Location: Diablo East Marina Picnic Area, Amistad Res.,  Del Rio Texas
Adventure Date:3-7-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

First off tonight is an arm report. The left shoulder is doing a little better but the improvement is slow for sure in the OFM.

So today the meandering was slow with no rock climbing. Sierra took us over to the Diablo East Marina where they have a small picnic area at the end of the marina parking lot. The area is not docile as you will see.

After getting Sierra settled into a parking spot in the parking lot we petted Sierra on the hood to make it feel safe in this rugged area. Then we looked around for the entrance path and there it was hiding in plain sight.

It turns out the picnic area is very small (at the top) and only has two tables. A short distance past the anchors is the first view out to this finger of the bigger lake.

Then near the second table the view opens up to see more of the finger of the lake. Keep in mind the lake is about 37 feet low at this time.

When we looked to the right toward the end of the small canyon we spotted a paved path going down into the canyon. Naturally we had to head on over and go down the new attraction.

The OFM approached the downward path carefully since he had no idea what his knees would behave like on this day. They were on good behavior as it turned out. So down the path we went.

When we got to the bottom, a look back up made the OFM’s feet gasp at the thought of going back up.

We looked around a little at the bottom area that is usually under 30 feet of water. That was interesting but not exciting. So we headed back up the canyon wall (path).

When we got to the top the OFM had to rest and breathe some. Then we meandered around and DID NOT go down some stairs we found going back down to the bottom at another spot. We did find an unexpected foundation for some sort of equipment.

During our meanderings in the past years we have found all sorts of random concrete foundations around in the desert in this area. There are miles and miles of trails in this Recreation Area and the OFM has walked some of them but not nearly all. Every trail he has walked in this Recreation Area has had something “interesting” show up  to puzzle about.

When you think about it, all the surprises is what makes this a great place for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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