
Amistad NRA Fun

Adventure Location: Del Rio Texas
Adventure Date:3-12-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The OFM Teams had found this marker several years ago and reported it right in this blog. We never could find out what it was for. 

At the materials storage area for San Pedro Campground you go to the back right of the area and head off into the brush through this “entrance”.

Then look to your right a few feet the other side of the opening in the fence to spot a white pole sticking about six feet up.

Then carefully mess around with the brush in that area and a medallion mounted in concrete will be visible.

What we know is that supposedly when Amistad Lake was planned the US government set a series of benchmarks back from the planned flooded area. Then they plotted the expected perimeter of the lake and started buying up land that would be flooded.  When they had finished with all the building etc. we now have a fantastic area for folks to run and play on.

The lake is a very nice place in our opinion. The areas known as Hunt Areas are hunting areas during hunting season. The rest of the year the Hunt Areas are open to hiking etc for the general public. The OFM Teams have been on some pretty special hikes in the Hunt Areas in the past. In one of them we even found the opening to a cave headed down into the center of the earth or at least well out of sight.

Other items of interest have been discovered in the past. A few places in the Amistad NRA have been used as inspiration for some paintings the OFM has done.

We highly recommend this area for adventuresome folks who want to try to have tooooo much fun.

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