
Finally Medical Care


Adventure Location: Portland, Texas

Today's Date: 6-30-2022

A small comment to buddy Allen at lunch led to finding out about a real emergency treatment location in Portland Texas near the Academy store. The OFM had hopes of real knowledgeable treatment at this place. It was excellent and did a really good job of checking the OFM out.

We came away after an hour and a half with a mostly clean bill of health. Everything seemed to be healing at a normal pace. The big surprise was when the OFM was told that a brain injury usually takes a minimum of six weeks or longer to heal. This treatment center prefers that we use Ibuprofen or Tylenol for treating the damaged areas of the head area.

The folks there did not see any trouble for me to head on out for Grandkid Land on Tuesday. Tomorrow it is time to go through the Castle to make certain everything is ready for some excessive trying to have tooooo much fun.


Back Into Blogging Again


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-29-2022

The date is today since the OFM has no idea when he took the pictures. He is not well yet but is somewhat on the mend. We have to get well enough to travel by the morning of the fifth. Otherwise some patient grand kids might not be happy.

So let us get busy with a bit of catching up.

Here is the layout of the catastrophe area. The OFM was doing something critical (sure. Right) and had a piece of trash to put into the trash can. He leaned over to get to the trash and the best we can figure out from the bloody spots the chair scooted out from under him and he went shooting head first into some part of the middle drawer area. His left side of his head tried to break the cabinet near the corner into little pieces. His left arm on the back side tried to rip off some other wood. It is unknown what else got involved in the fight but we certainly agree on what won. ( NOT US) We proved that ArcTic Fox builds the strongest cabinets in the world. The OFM ended up wadded into a small pile at the foot of the cabinet. We do recall struggling with getting unwound, stretched somewhat and crawling over to the couch for leverage to get up. Recovery from brain bruising is new to us and we plan to work hard at not getting any more experience with it.

Not every one else in the world had a great day yesterday either. Late yesterday we took a short ride at the Beach Park and saw a few cops and miscellaneous park and city officials standing around at the boat ramp. We could not drive very close due to all the equipment being used. From the visible “evidence” we saw we thought that a boat had sunk at the ramp. Probably from a drain plug not installed while the owner went to park the trailer.

The OFM teams got a big surprise when we enlarged the photo we took and found this instead.

We have no idea what went on but we bet it was not a fun event. We still don't know if a trailer was still part of the rig in the bay.

Personally we do not think that driving your truck off the end of the boat ramp will ever be a good way of trying to have tooooo much fun.




Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-28-2022

Not any worse this morning. Blog still on hold.




Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-27-2022

Yesterday afternoon was a bad fall with impact to the OFM`s head. Will return to action when he can function decently. It is not a good way to try to have tooooo much fun.


Lots Of Folks


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-25-2022

Since we knew from last night that the beach park would be a mess we headed to Memorial Park to get in some walking this morning. When we got to the entrance of the park there was a huge pile of vehicles in the first parking lot and wads of folks with disc golf stuff running around. We finally figured they were having a tournament of some sort and a good chunk of the park was blocked off.

So we were glad for the folks and went to the far end of another parking lot. We have to give the folks running the park credit for getting lots of different events to happen there and still make it operate with very little conflicts of wants.

We had a nice walk and made a couple of repeat loops to make up for the closed section of the park for the disc golf tournament.

During the walk we were making good time when we suddenly had a mobile speed bump appear That we just had to photograph.

We are guessing that the turtle was headed into the tree area to lay some eggs. We wished her good luck and kept on moving along. The disc golf tournament was well in progress as we pulled out of the park.

After lunch we went to the Beach Park to see how things were doing, The big tents for next week end events are all set up for the vendors and attendees to swamp the place. We think it will be worse than today for crowds and here is a couple of pictures of this afternoons crowds. I asked the gate keeper if he is working next week end and he said NO.

This first picture was shot as a close telephoto from near the beach entrance.

This next shot was a longer telephoto taken from the park road sort of along the beach picnic area. WOW what a crowd,

And they expect a lot more folks each day of next weekend. And the best part is we roll on July5 for grandkid land for some grand kid help at trying to have tooooo much fun.


Wild Grapes


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-24-2022

When the OFM stepped out of Sierra at the Memorial Park to walk this morning he was surprised the temp was slightly warm at 83F but the nice gentle breeze with a thin cloud cover stopping the sun made it a good day for stepping out briskly. The day was very nice and a first thing we noticed was that the wild grapes were in grand shape. They are nice black grapes and getting close to picking time it seems.

Any way the folks on the trail this morning were nice and friendly and the pups were all pleasant and smiling it seemed also. So it was a great brisk walk to start the day. We dropped by the harbor on the way back to the Castle and saw the big top Tent was up and preparing for the big sale fest on the first of July weekend. It will be a madhouse. One of the city maintenance folks told the OFM that all the city workers including the police etc will be on duty during the festivities trying to keep things clean and under control.

Back at the Castle we noticed some toys like fishing gear and other stuff that we had forgotten to go through to get rid of the unneeded things. So we finished out the day removing clutter from those boxes we had forgotten about way back under the bed area. Well we did clear it out after taking it all to the water to check out if it was junk or just not needed. It was about half and half but it is all gone now. At the rate things are going away we need to put some water in the holding tanks to keep the breeze from blowing the Castle away. We will likely start the check of the Castle running gear in the next day or two. We want to be 100% ready to roll on July 5 morning for our trip to Grandkid land and trying to have tooooo much fun.


Incredibly Busy Day


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-23-2022

The day was HOT early and getting in a walk was the goal. As we got into Sierra and headed to the Memorial Park we could see the trees barely moved in the hot wet air. That did not seem like a good sign for a walk to happen. But we went by way of the Beach Park area and Little Bay had a nice breezy ripple on it so we wrestled Sierra back to the entrance and inside we went.

After Sierra parking near the far pavilion we stepped out of the cab into a nice warm breeze but it felt very nice so we saddled up and started a gentle walk that nearly instantly turned into a very brisk striding pace. We could see the wooden pier from where Sierra was parked and how beautiful the day was behaving.

Even the brisk pace seemed cooler than expected. The bright sun lasted all day and made the nearly two miles seem easy. We soon flowed through the first mile along the beach road and the OFM could tell we were really feeling nice from the gentle breeze, When we got to the central pavilion we skipped up the stairs to the upper level and grabbed a picture of the first family on the beach this morning.

Then it was rest room time so the OFM could drop the camera on the concrete floor and break it knocking the battery out of the case. We managed to get the case bent etc into shape to accept the battery and get the camera to work to take the family pic above. Then we took a zoom of a BBQ pit at a beach table a couple of hundred feet away and it seemed to work.

Still concerned with the camera needing to work for the rest of the day we shot a full zoom of a tow boat and barges about two miles out in the bay through the light mist out there.

From that it was back down to the ground and back to a lively stride through the boat ramp and trailer parking area and on toward Sierra at the first pavilion. At Sierra we decided the air was nice enough to do some more loops through the saltwater pool area where we stopped to take this picture of the gorgeous bathing beauties.

Then we decided to stop at the pier at the entrance of the park and fish for a bit. We ended up catching a Lady Fish bigger than any we had ever seen before at about 22 inches long and fat. And it was now only about 1030. The rest of the day got even busier. For instance $47 in groceries brought home by noon.

The afternoon made the morning seem like a big goof off time. We did some more fishing gear cleaning out and other things. Before supper we hit a pier nearby to try out a new to us arranged of some gear. The speckled trout that we landed was not happy with how well the system seemed to work. We even had a Texas Game Warden watch us return the fish to the bay.

Tomorrow starts a big week of events here in the area that runs through July 4. And that was just the high notes for today's effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.


Casting Distance


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-22-2022

The day was HOT early but we headed to the walking trail to give it a trial or at least consider it. Sierra was parked in a nearly empty parking lot again. The OFM got his things together and we started on the trail. About a quarter mile down the trail the OFM stopped and looked around then felt the air and humidity and felt himself and decided it was not a proper day for a sweaty exercise and we headed back to Sierra. When we got to Sierra, it said that it was glad the OFM showed some sense for a change. Back to the A/C Castle we went and thought about what next.

Finally a brilliant thought came to the OFM. We could go over to the Beach Park where we have room to check out the unproven to us idea that braid fishing line casts a lot farther than the same strength mono filament fishing line. It has never seemed right to us. At least we can do the testing before the beach gets crowded and not have to exert the OFM too much in the hot sun.

For those that do not know about it the braid line came out several years ago as the perfect fishing line. Yeah right was our thoughts back then. Well braid is a lot stronger per inch of diameter than mono. For instance 30 pound braid is the same diameter as 8 pound mono. Each material has features that are very good. But that smaller diameter is supposed to allow braid to cast a lot farther than mono of the same strength. We feel that is an over simplification.

When braid first hit the market, lots of “experts” did comparison tests to prove it using lead weights. The distances were significant. We tried it for three years and found some serious weaknesses compared to mono for where and how we fish. But at the same time braid had some serious great things over mono.

Well with the calm area today we went down to test the theory of the lines. By the way both types of line are excellent for fishing.

What we had noticed about braid/mono during our comparison fishing times is that the casting distance distance with lures was not significant for the OFM.

Today we got parked at the parking lot in a good spot to use for testing casting distance for lures.

We would be casting toward the left end of the pile of oyster shells for distance from the rear wheel of Sierra into the slight breeze.

The same rod and reel would be used for the casting with just the spool changed to the line of the moment. It is our normal rod and reel so the OFM was familiar with it. Even the ¼ oz lure is the same one for both lines.

The braid is 10 pound Power Pro line that is the same physical diameter as 3 pound mono. The mono is Stren 8 pound mono that is the same diameter as 30 pound braid. And the testing began,

The weather stayed nice and constant for the whole time we were casting and marking the lure location between the casts for all the casts. Here is a picture of the longest cast marker and the shortest cast marker.

The longest cast was braid and the shortest was mono. It surprised the OFM how consistent his casting was for distance. All the braid was at the same location plus or minus two feet and all the mono was plus or minus two and a half feet. But the biggest surprise was that from the longest braid cast to the shortest mono cast was only a hint over six feet difference. So our result did not show any significant yardage differences when lure wind resistance became a factor to the casting distance.

There was not any automatic 20% longer for either line for our style of fishing casting. Both have good characteristics for certain situations. The characteristic that makes the OFM use mono for his fishing here in the central Texas coast is all the rocks and stuff that abrades the braid faster than mono. Where the teams do most of their fishing having good abrasion resistance is more important than casting a few feet farther.

That test was just one more thing to help us in trying to have tooooo much fun.


The Blahs


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-21-2022

A decent time to start the walk this morning worked out better. The pace was kept moderate and a hint of breeze helped us the whole time. So it was another sweaty decent walk for us.

The rest of the day was even less exciting. A little fishing gear was cleaned and sorted but not much. The Beach Park was crowded this afternoon but we got to watch a fellow videoing some kids playing in the beach surf as he carefully dropped his phone in the salt water. Then he wiped it off somewhat and started to hurry to catch up with the group and dropped the phone again and took a bit longer to find it in the surf. We bet the phone comes out worse for the wear from that experience.

We did find a few nice flowers to photograph but all the pictures came out fuzzed. However when we shot some test pics inside the Castle they came out perfect. So apparently some knucklehead must have just done something stupid again.

We piddled with the new painting a bit but the OFM couldn't seem to get things together just right, so we quit before we ruined in at the start.

And that is our best try today for trying to have tooooo much fun on the longest day of the year.


Trail Wisdom


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-20-2022

We considered things before hitting the trail this morning. All ready hot.

Late start today.

Not feeling fantastic.

We decided it was an extra care day so we added a small water bottle to our gear in addition to the two watering stations along the trail. Then we decided we would on purpose from the start walk at a moderate pace at the fastest. Next we chose to repeat the walk from a couple of days ago and planned to stop at the same spot about ¾ way through the walk for a five minute break for cooling off some.

SURPRISE the OFM followed the plan and we had a decent sweaty moderate walk. The water bottle was not a big deal due to the two water fountains at opposite sides of the loop. The speed was a big deal. The short rest was a HUGE deal. Now we know what to do on these toooooooo hot days for this OFM.

We did a bit more shopping at Walmart and bought some on the road food for when we roll on down the road. But best of all we figured out what we want to paint next and got busy on the layout. Our technique will once again be a watercolor undercoat with a colored pencil top coat.

A very important item we also did is to wash our very dirty hot weather hat and put it to drying for tomorrow. Now all we have to do is remember to wear it while outside tomorrow trying to have tooooo much fun.


Tool Collection Cleanup


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-19-2022

We got a nice early start to the day and headed over to the Memorial Park to use up a couple of miles of walking trail. When we pulled into the parking lot it was only us and two maintenance folks. Boy that is an empty parking lot for this area.

We got on down the trail on this warm morning with hopes of a great day everywhere. This was our starting view.

Good time was being made for the first part of the morning loop however we soon could feel the total absence of moving air. As in dead calm with high humidity. Sure enough the temperature hit about 90f. And the OFM hit the wall of sunshine. We pushed on and slowed down and the OFM began to over heat again. Sweat was soaking our socks. A stop at the drinking on the back loop led to more sweating. The water seemed to go in the mouth and run out through the skin on our feet immediately. Yep it was time to ease through the shade of the trees straight back to Sierra at the start. We made it back and immediately headed for the Castle and the shower and the AC.

We got to thinking about when we were here in this time of the year the last time. Summer of 2002 if we recall correctly. It is just tooooooo hot and humid for the OFM so we plan to not be here in the summer again. We plan to stick to north Alabama for summer visiting with the grandkids in the future.

Our tool box cleanout effort went well. The first cut removed slightly more than one tool box of tools from the stash. Now we have to see what else we can get rid of. About five hours of work inside the AC of the Castle on this hot day was nice we think. A chunk of the clean out effort was spent thinking about where to carry which tools. We are leaning toward two tool boxes with emergency repair stuff in a tool box carried in Sierra and a different tool box carrying other tools in the Castle.

We were surprised at lots of tools we found that had not been used in years. We did not realize we were still carrying the tool kit the OFM had set up to carry on board the several fishing boats we had had for years of Galveston Bay fishing and shrimping. We are calling the tool box effort a well spent time and about forty pounds of weight gone.

Yep we are ready for some grandkidding around for trying to have tooooo much fun.


Fender Bender


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-18-2022

A sore knee slowed the morning walk down a bit but we still got in a full walk on a dead calm high humidity morning. The park was quite busy at the early time we were there this morning but the folks were friendly as we passed each other.

The rest of the town was PACKED TIGHT with tourist folks trying to have fun at the several events happening around town. We stayed out of the way as much as possible.

It might be of interest that yesterday as we were getting ready to pull out of our parking spot at Whataburger a vehicle hooked the trailer hitch on Sierra with its fender skirt and got itself bashed up pretty good. Sierra's hitch got some dirt rubbed off it. The fellow in the other vehicle was pleasant as we checked Sierra for damage. There wasn't any. The poor fellow with the other vehicle said it was his wife's car and she would not like what he did to it. It had quite a bit of fender and wheel well customizing.

All the teams did today was stay out of the way as much as possible and buy a few groceries. 16 more days until rolling time. That should give us time to get in some serious trying to have tooooo much fun time.


Good Big News


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-17-2022

We got in some nice walking today and it was just right for warm walking. A little cooler might have been better but we did not complain. A critical point first thing tonight is that the big Rockport Art mess is July 4 weekend.

The Rockport Beach Park was a crowded pile of humanity all day today so we did only one look through the place. Here is some of the boats just boating around in Little Bay this afternoon.

Then the OFM turned around an took this shot of the Beach Area and all the vehicles on the side of the road away from the beach area. Wow quite a pile of humanity.

Basically we stayed away from the crowds and did a lot of cleaning and shedding clutter.

What is happening is that the Castle is carefully having unneeded things removed and given or thrown away. We filled about half a dumpster today with things we used to use a lot. You know the gadgets etc that accumulate when you are yakking or biking or whatever on a regular basis. We also consolidated a lot of art stuff since we know that certain types of art will not be continued. For example we will not be doing acrylic or oil painting so all the stuff for those efforts are not in the Castle anymore.

BIG NEWS is that we were able to get a reservation in grandkid Alabama for July 8 arrival so we now have to put the plan together and execute it to arrive on that day. BUT there is a chance we will be able to get a long term spot during our two week stay to allow us to stay until late October when it starts getting colder and it is time to roll south and west anyway. In other words we have gotten very fortunate.

Now we have to begin our planning for the colder weather of the year. Where shall we meander from October through December 2022 is a good question? We have a lot of pent up trying to have tooooo much fun yet to be used up.


Frolicking In Rockport Tomorrow?


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-16-2022

We got in some of a walk today but the walk was cut short by a friendly visit. It turned out that the visit was a good break for the OFM as his joints were starting to be painful. The bench rest of the visit saved us from a lot more pain later in the day. Back at the Castle we firmed up a plan for changing several things about the interior of the Castle since the OFM way of living is simplifying and soon to be done a little differently. Really good news was the migraine pains did not come back today. We also are in progress on checking if the LED and fluorescent bulbs could be causing some of the migraine pains. More research is needed.

This evening we hit the beach park for some lure soaking and enjoyed the moderate temps and walking the bulkhead at the Allegro Channel. Check out this bird walking the bulkhead ahead of us.

When we got out the jetty a ways we got to see a huge barge carrying something huge on it with the tow boat shoving it towards Corpus Christi. The barge was about a mile and a half out across the bay from where the OFM was standing soaking his lure.

Soon we headed in to get some chicken tacos for supper. They were good and now we are putting together tonight's blog. We do not know yet where we will be trying to have tooooo much fun but the Rockport Art Festival is firing up for frolicking soon.


More Water Please


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-15-2022

It has been another rough migraine day. But research on the internet revealed the OFM had noted way to light of an ibuprofen dosage that he should have been using. So around 1400 we got a proper dosage into him and he is doing better finally.

We did get out to the Municipal Park trail this morning for some strolling and met up with old friend Rodney. We sat and tried to wear out a bench for an hour or so.

We both had noticed the ponds were down about two feet in spite of the windmill driven water fill line flowing pretty well all the time.

Back near the far back of the park there is a nice natural surfaced trail for walking also. We seldom walk it because the OFM ankles like the surfaced main trail much better for his old decrepit ankles. As you can see from this picture it is a nice trail to roam a bit.

More news for today is the city has been working well on getting the roads near the campground re-topped this year. They are moving on along at a good speed and seem to be doing a better than usual job of it also.

With a bit of luck the OFM will have a better day of migraine treatment tomorrow. He needs to work on having tooooo much fun again.


Adjusting Glasses and Healing


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-14-2022

The morning started with recovery episodes from migraine miseries of last evening and night. By the time we were ready to hit the walking trail the OFM was doing pretty well for a change. So we started gentle but soon picked up the pace but the glasses kept on not seeing very well.

So we started to work on the glasses as we walked and sometimes stopping near a pole or bench to get some bending leverage on the frames. Gradually it was coming back to the OFM what he has done several times during the last 40 plus years of wearing and adjusting frames after “incidents” of wear and ooops.

As we wound around the back of the ponds the glasses suddenly made an odd CLICK and suddenly the OFM could see cleanly for a change. For the next good ways we did minor adjustments as our memory re-educated the OFM on the delicacies of adjusting glasses frames for old folks. By the end of the normal mile and a half another odd event happened.

We paused at the drinking fountain for a little liquid refreshment and it dawned on the OFM that he was ready to keep going. Hmmm. But we did choose to make the small cross loop to the big loop that is only a half mile long. So that gave us a clean two miles total for the first time in over two months AND the OFM was feeling good but not in pain at all from the migraine residual. We called it enough extra for this morning.

After the nice shower we dressed to head out for lunch in a little bit.

After checking ourselves sight some more we decided to cancel the doctor appointment for tomorrow. It seems we have the glasses adjustment in place and working well.

After lunch we did a good bit of thinking and considering plans for our soon trip to Alabama. We are not sure yet what the whole plan is but it is definitely in progress working out details now. There can be a lot of trying to have tooooo much fun in north Alabama especially along the Tennessee River near Decatur, Alabama. Hmmmmm.


Trying To Heal


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-13-2022

The OFM is well past another really nasty migraine full day and night but finally doing better than 36 hours ago. We have no idea the cause but we do have an appointment with the eye doctor to have the situation checked out on Wed afternoon including the new glasses and prescription.

The results of the second set of testing that was done showed that the OFM is not showing any trouble with glaucoma at all. It had been a good while since that test had been administered and it was nice to see an all clear administered.

We are hoping that the main trouble is a badly done prescription grinding instead.

Now the OFM Teams are still attempting to work out the travels to Grandkid Land for birthday month. The OFM's son, grand son and grand daughter all have birthdays in July and the OFM is mid August for his birthday(#76).

We did not get any pictures today and no walking of any serious amount. But we have hopes of getting in some effort at trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.




Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-12-2022

The morning and the walk went well but slightly hot. We were on the trail by 0715 and so were several other friendly folks and pups. A few nice short howdys kept the walk really nice and friendly. We actually did not take any pictures today until later as you will see. The OFM does not recall where all we meandered in town today but we had a couple of hours hunting for inspiration for more paintings but no luck.

It did turn out to be a very good day of painting education. A very important realization was that we definitely need another water color pencil and colored pencil attempt. During all the latter half of the painting effort it became a strong possibility that the by far best system uses both water color and colored pencil for certain aspects of the painting effort.

We completed “SHOWING OFF “ just at supper time this evening. The result was quite a bit different than we thought it would be like. However the education in using the two mediums together in a single painting was very good and should be much better in the next attempt.

We hope everyone had a great weekend like we did. Tomorrow starts another wonderful week of trying to have tooooo much fun.


Painting Choice To Be Made


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-11-2022

The start was not really early but the OFM was feeling decent so it was off to the Park for a walk we hoped. Upon arrival it was noticed the flags were flapping this morning. Good deal and we set off on the trail like yesterday. However today there was a nice 15-20 mph breeze making its way along the ground to cool off the exercisers. The temp in Sierra was showing 89F but the breeze made for a warm but nice walk. The only picture taken was of a bird standing in the shade of a palm tree trunk in an open field.

We finished in decent sweaty shape and the warmth was tolerable. A short hop into Walmart for a now forgotten item was made on the way back to the Castle.

The route chosen to go back to the Castle took us by the Beach Park and the check in line from the ticket gate ran back about 12 vehicles and split at the Y that goes to the harbor area and the main highway. The lines were very long and went out of sight. We did not attempt to enter and headed right on home.

We got to thinking that there was more stuff to lighten our load now and put some effort into planning the next couple of months of Rving after leaving Alabama as well as getting rid of more stuff.

Along with the travel considerations we continued an effort at a painting using both colored pencil and water color pencil to get a feel for which we like better or a combination of both.

So far we get much brighter color from the colored pencils but the water color pencil effort is about four times as fast. We have not chosen any answer yet.

There is about a month before we need to leave for Alabama so we will have more time here in Rockport trying to have tooooo much fun.


Start The Scheduling


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-10-2022

Today started early with some grocery shopping before the Friday crowds started happening. We had a a great shopping trip to the Walmart. Everything was restocked except the cheap Root Beer. Back at the Castle the food was all stored shortly and the OFM changed to his walking shorts and we headed to the Municipal Park trail. When we pulled into the parking lot we got this for a reading from the dash of Sierra.

Hmm we need to make the OFM be heat careful. There was not much breeze at the park. We decided to stay in the shade of the trees even if we have to walk off path and get less than we hoped for exercise.

We made it a ways along the Frisbee course in the shade of the live oaks trees but the heat was stifling. When we got to the loop around the ponds that is in the sun light, the OFM called a stop and think moment and we turned around and headed back to Sierra. We figure we got in about a half mile of walking total and the heat was just tooooo much without any breeze. So here we are still alive to tell that story.

But the day was early so more adventures awaited us. Later in the day a breeze came up and the temperature dropped to the 89F range but we stayed out of the sun any way.

Lots of little adventures happened but this one important one happened in late afternoon.

We have been idling around for about three weeks staying out of some pretty miserable hot weather down here near south Texas that has been showing off its ability to toast re-bar already buried in the concrete. Several items that we needed or wanted to have possession of before rolling has caused delays. Well the final one and most important one came in this afternoon and was installed on Sierra.

In spite of this sticker getting delayed a couple of weeks it is now proudly displayed and Sierra can roll onward legally. So tomorrow morning the OFM has a directive from all the OFM Team to get busy with no excuses for delaying and get an travel plan set up to head for Grandkid Land. Nobody on the Teams did anything really wrong but the shipping companies for the last few weeks have been rather scatter brained if they even have a brain.

But now (hopefully) we are ready to get back to being Rvers as a way of trying to have tooooo much fun.