


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-28-2022

Not any worse this morning. Blog still on hold.


  1. Well, you were able to report. I guess that's a plus. i am anxious to know how you're doing, and wonder what in the world happened? Thank you for letting us inow something. Will be checking here often. Hugs.

  2. Not any worse? I guess that's something....
    One of those big fears about going nomad was getting sick/hurt and being stuck in the van/trailer/rv alone. I'm thinking that being hurt and in a RV park with other people around is better that being that way while boondocking and miles away from anyone.
    But as I remind myself those are my fears & I'm transferring them to your situation and your situation is yours alone.

    When I started being a nomad (2012) my "what if?" end game was find a nice park and settle in with the RV when I was unable to travel anymore, at the time I had not thought of injury or illness as causing me to park the rig "right now".
    When I started I didn't have the experience I have now...Some folks hang up the keys and move into a house/apartment, some do settle in at the park they are happy with and others are found later by family or friends looking to see why they haven't been heard from... that was the fate of our friend Trish just last week.

    If you can think of anything I can do to help (I'm 2500 miles away :-) let me know.

    1. FWIW my reality changed a few years back, I'm not alone and am in a house now. The RV is still there but the gas money is not.

  3. A house is an RV, and a home is is in your heart and your head. We could be sick or hurt ourselves in a home without wheels. I am sending you as much healing karma as your head can take. The rest should be looked at by a doctor, which I am sure you will go to if you need one.

  4. I am having medical troubles but still hope to get back to publishing in the future.

  5. Have you seen a doctor yet?

  6. Well, not quite as frightening since you are able to comment on here. People have died after hitting their head and not taking care of it! I was researching RV parks in Rockport last night. Thinking I needed to call around and see if somebody would check on you. I'm in Texas, too, but not around the corner. 🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️

    1. Thank you for the concern. I was concerned for about two days there. I never found a doctor in this place available unless it was immediately life threatening. Any way I am at The Quiet One RV Park. I do not recommend it for a place to stay here in Rockport. At the moment I am starting to improve a good bit. Be safe out there, PAIN hurts.

    2. What a relief to hear from you. Glad to know something, especially that you feel you are improving.

      Details, please, when you are able? Take good care of my dear friend!!!!
