
Incredibly Busy Day


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-23-2022

The day was HOT early and getting in a walk was the goal. As we got into Sierra and headed to the Memorial Park we could see the trees barely moved in the hot wet air. That did not seem like a good sign for a walk to happen. But we went by way of the Beach Park area and Little Bay had a nice breezy ripple on it so we wrestled Sierra back to the entrance and inside we went.

After Sierra parking near the far pavilion we stepped out of the cab into a nice warm breeze but it felt very nice so we saddled up and started a gentle walk that nearly instantly turned into a very brisk striding pace. We could see the wooden pier from where Sierra was parked and how beautiful the day was behaving.

Even the brisk pace seemed cooler than expected. The bright sun lasted all day and made the nearly two miles seem easy. We soon flowed through the first mile along the beach road and the OFM could tell we were really feeling nice from the gentle breeze, When we got to the central pavilion we skipped up the stairs to the upper level and grabbed a picture of the first family on the beach this morning.

Then it was rest room time so the OFM could drop the camera on the concrete floor and break it knocking the battery out of the case. We managed to get the case bent etc into shape to accept the battery and get the camera to work to take the family pic above. Then we took a zoom of a BBQ pit at a beach table a couple of hundred feet away and it seemed to work.

Still concerned with the camera needing to work for the rest of the day we shot a full zoom of a tow boat and barges about two miles out in the bay through the light mist out there.

From that it was back down to the ground and back to a lively stride through the boat ramp and trailer parking area and on toward Sierra at the first pavilion. At Sierra we decided the air was nice enough to do some more loops through the saltwater pool area where we stopped to take this picture of the gorgeous bathing beauties.

Then we decided to stop at the pier at the entrance of the park and fish for a bit. We ended up catching a Lady Fish bigger than any we had ever seen before at about 22 inches long and fat. And it was now only about 1030. The rest of the day got even busier. For instance $47 in groceries brought home by noon.

The afternoon made the morning seem like a big goof off time. We did some more fishing gear cleaning out and other things. Before supper we hit a pier nearby to try out a new to us arranged of some gear. The speckled trout that we landed was not happy with how well the system seemed to work. We even had a Texas Game Warden watch us return the fish to the bay.

Tomorrow starts a big week of events here in the area that runs through July 4. And that was just the high notes for today's effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. Glad you had such a good day of being able to get out and about with a bit better weather. By the way, I didn't see any bathing beauties. Did you do that just to make us click?
    Also glad you didn't mess up your camera.
    And that you brought home a half sack of groceries. $47, right? That should be about half a sack these days.

    1. You didn't see all the seagulls in the saltwater pool?

  2. You had quite the full day.
    Not breaking one's camera is another great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
