
Finally Medical Care


Adventure Location: Portland, Texas

Today's Date: 6-30-2022

A small comment to buddy Allen at lunch led to finding out about a real emergency treatment location in Portland Texas near the Academy store. The OFM had hopes of real knowledgeable treatment at this place. It was excellent and did a really good job of checking the OFM out.

We came away after an hour and a half with a mostly clean bill of health. Everything seemed to be healing at a normal pace. The big surprise was when the OFM was told that a brain injury usually takes a minimum of six weeks or longer to heal. This treatment center prefers that we use Ibuprofen or Tylenol for treating the damaged areas of the head area.

The folks there did not see any trouble for me to head on out for Grandkid Land on Tuesday. Tomorrow it is time to go through the Castle to make certain everything is ready for some excessive trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. I like many others are certainly glad you got medical care. As the doctor likely told you, head and brain injuries are not something to dismiss. Glad you will be able to travel to Alabama. Don't push it and just make it an easy trip.

  2. I'm glad it's turning out well!

  3. Now if those *&$#%* migraines stay away for awhile. You sure don't need to cope with those on top of your recent woes. Hope your trip to AL goes well. And hope you'll be able to post at least one photo of the kids. i have so enjoyed watching them grow up. Can't believe Piper will be in school already!

  4. Travel well to Alabama. I look forward to hearing about a nice easy trip. Take full advantage of Grandkid land. Ken and I figure we will have to rent some grandkids, if all our kids keep have tooo much fun. lol!

  5. Fingers crossed that you are all right!
