
Lots Of Folks


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-25-2022

Since we knew from last night that the beach park would be a mess we headed to Memorial Park to get in some walking this morning. When we got to the entrance of the park there was a huge pile of vehicles in the first parking lot and wads of folks with disc golf stuff running around. We finally figured they were having a tournament of some sort and a good chunk of the park was blocked off.

So we were glad for the folks and went to the far end of another parking lot. We have to give the folks running the park credit for getting lots of different events to happen there and still make it operate with very little conflicts of wants.

We had a nice walk and made a couple of repeat loops to make up for the closed section of the park for the disc golf tournament.

During the walk we were making good time when we suddenly had a mobile speed bump appear That we just had to photograph.

We are guessing that the turtle was headed into the tree area to lay some eggs. We wished her good luck and kept on moving along. The disc golf tournament was well in progress as we pulled out of the park.

After lunch we went to the Beach Park to see how things were doing, The big tents for next week end events are all set up for the vendors and attendees to swamp the place. We think it will be worse than today for crowds and here is a couple of pictures of this afternoons crowds. I asked the gate keeper if he is working next week end and he said NO.

This first picture was shot as a close telephoto from near the beach entrance.

This next shot was a longer telephoto taken from the park road sort of along the beach picnic area. WOW what a crowd,

And they expect a lot more folks each day of next weekend. And the best part is we roll on July5 for grandkid land for some grand kid help at trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Well, towns do what they can to make money. And that often means crowds. But I guess in the big picture, that's not the worst thing that could happen. And they can be avoided, unless you have to work them.
    I knew where that header photo was without even reading the caption. Maybe the most favorite area in my memory, from when I was 12 and first saw it. I was stunned, even at that age...coming up out of the canyon lower down and seeing that vast expanse with the mountains and plains. I just loved it. (Brought up in the was a brand new thing for me.)
