
Trail Wisdom


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-20-2022

We considered things before hitting the trail this morning. All ready hot.

Late start today.

Not feeling fantastic.

We decided it was an extra care day so we added a small water bottle to our gear in addition to the two watering stations along the trail. Then we decided we would on purpose from the start walk at a moderate pace at the fastest. Next we chose to repeat the walk from a couple of days ago and planned to stop at the same spot about ¾ way through the walk for a five minute break for cooling off some.

SURPRISE the OFM followed the plan and we had a decent sweaty moderate walk. The water bottle was not a big deal due to the two water fountains at opposite sides of the loop. The speed was a big deal. The short rest was a HUGE deal. Now we know what to do on these toooooooo hot days for this OFM.

We did a bit more shopping at Walmart and bought some on the road food for when we roll on down the road. But best of all we figured out what we want to paint next and got busy on the layout. Our technique will once again be a watercolor undercoat with a colored pencil top coat.

A very important item we also did is to wash our very dirty hot weather hat and put it to drying for tomorrow. Now all we have to do is remember to wear it while outside tomorrow trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. So you were at it again, walking around outside down there like it was a place for human beings. I would have just made some Walmart rounds to make up for it. Well, you're a brave soul.

  2. Keeping the Sun off your head while out walking on these Hot Weather Days will help keep you better hydrated which will mean you will have tooooo much fun. Walking laps inside the air conditioned Walmart will also help.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
