
Slow But Nice Day


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-5-2022

The OFM was feeling rough this morning and we feel it was due to his old glasses leaving his head achy from bad focus. So we did not roll out until about 0730 and things went very slow for the rest of the day. It was just as well we took our time because when we finally went outside to head to lunch the roads and everywhere we looked was infested with weekenders starting to head home. We hope they had a great time this weekend. The OFM Teams had a slow going afternoon also.

This morning had some time working on the next painting and it was the right amount of activity for us. Here is a bit of the work in progress.

It was fun deciding on how we are going to adapt and modify the drawing background to make the painting mostly OURS drawing wise.

Since the OFM is not excited about eating out tonight he decided it was stir fry night at the Castle. So we set to work prepping the food for his attempt at cooking.

We chipped up onion, broccoli, yellow squash, celery, black olives, green bell pepper, a little bit of carrot, and a good shake of coarse ground black pepper.

It is chilling a bit right now to give the pepper a chance to “seep into the mess” before cooking. The OFM does some pretty good and healthy stir frying usually.

That is about the whole day today and as the days settles down it feels like we did good taking a easy day today. It was a nice day of pleasant times, good food and gentle effort at trying to have tooooo much fun for this nearly 76 year old man.


  1. Haha. I am older than you are. Don't know why I said Haha. It's really not funny. Or maybe it is. Anyway, good for you on the healthy supper and I hope your new glasses come soon. I liked yesterday's cloud good thing about the coast, is there are usually clouds of some sort. Will be interested to see the tortoise and prickly pear when you do your thing on the whole shebang....

  2. Having easy days playing with the Paintings and Stir-Fries is a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Eat healthy, live long, more Haiku:-)
