
Painting Choice To Be Made


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Today's Date: 6-11-2022

The start was not really early but the OFM was feeling decent so it was off to the Park for a walk we hoped. Upon arrival it was noticed the flags were flapping this morning. Good deal and we set off on the trail like yesterday. However today there was a nice 15-20 mph breeze making its way along the ground to cool off the exercisers. The temp in Sierra was showing 89F but the breeze made for a warm but nice walk. The only picture taken was of a bird standing in the shade of a palm tree trunk in an open field.

We finished in decent sweaty shape and the warmth was tolerable. A short hop into Walmart for a now forgotten item was made on the way back to the Castle.

The route chosen to go back to the Castle took us by the Beach Park and the check in line from the ticket gate ran back about 12 vehicles and split at the Y that goes to the harbor area and the main highway. The lines were very long and went out of sight. We did not attempt to enter and headed right on home.

We got to thinking that there was more stuff to lighten our load now and put some effort into planning the next couple of months of Rving after leaving Alabama as well as getting rid of more stuff.

Along with the travel considerations we continued an effort at a painting using both colored pencil and water color pencil to get a feel for which we like better or a combination of both.

So far we get much brighter color from the colored pencils but the water color pencil effort is about four times as fast. We have not chosen any answer yet.

There is about a month before we need to leave for Alabama so we will have more time here in Rockport trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Glad it's cooled off.
    Well, 89 is better than 96 or whatever that awful number was. Glad you are being careful out there.
