
Ravine Critter

Adventure Location:  Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 3-28-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The Teams hopped out of bed early enough to be up before sunrise. The first plan was to head to the reopened park and see what had really happened. Yep it was just like they said on the website. So we went to take pictures at Spur 454 area. A couple of fishermen had beaten us there but that was all the folks in the area. The wind was ferocious today and really churned up the lake in the open water areas.  Later we saw on the Internet they had recorded some 40+ mph gusts while we were out there.

This picture was taken from the parking area at Spur454. It is looking mostly north and is in a fairly well protected finger of the lake. The water was looking pretty nice.  The shore line was catching some splashed up onto the rocks from the wind driven waves now and then.

Our next stop was Blackbrush area. We meandered both picnic areas and then the long trip down and back up the boat ramp. As we topped out the boat ramp the OFM remembered a paved walkway down into a ravine nearby. So we wobbled our way over to it.  The ravine did not have any water left in it but we went on down to just see what there is to see. Man that is a steep walkway. Here is a picture of it from the bottom of the ravine looking up.

As we were going back up, at a very slow pace of course, a doe stopped to check out the fools on the trail.  The OFM managed to grab one picture of her before she decided to move on along.

Speaking of pictures, here is the last one the OFM attempted.  It was inspired by a location north of Richland, Washington.  The OFM spent several days riding his bike on the “road” down to the river and back up to his truck parked outside the gate.

It looks like the big adventure tomorrow is to go to Walmart for some food. Maybe we will find some way to make it a great adventure of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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