
Careful Meandering

Adventure Location: Amistad NRA Texas
Adventure Date:3-14-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

 Just before the Diablo East boat ramp parking is a LARGE day use area. In that area are a few special places like scuba diving and cliff diving and other things. Lots of hiking trails wind around inside the area.

Here is the turn off to tonight's adventure.

It is the first road to the right and goes about a quarter mile to the parking at an outhouse. The gate to this area had the following sign attached to it.

Sierra took us to the parking area and settled in to rest while the OFM went on a bit of a hike/meander. The road sloped down to the parking spot from the entry. The surface is a bit rough but it fits the ambiance of the desert area.

The OFM was doing his best to keep it up to at least a meander speed but things kept on showing up to stop him to take a look. About thirty pictures were taken but there is only room for five tonight.

One cute scene was of this cactus growing from a rock a few feet off the road. The cacti are about two inches tall and looked to be very healthy.

At another spot we found our first Texas Sage blossom for this area. It was a bud working on popping open with a great big Texas size HOWDY   it is spring time.

After many other very pleasant scenes we arrived back at the parking lot. The OFM then headed off to the trail down to the water. OOPS wait a minute the water is WAY ON DOWN THERE.

When that fellow got to the top of the walkway, the OFM started down carefully and made it to the end of the walkway.  Then he tried a couple of steps on the loose rocks and quickly decided he was no longer man enough to run around on the loose rocks.

When he returned to the walk way he noticed that since the last time we were here, somebody had steepened the walkway.  It was a LOT harder to walk up the walkway today than it was last year.

Finally the OFM Walking Team gathered at Sierra and gulped water and air. A short discussion led to the conclusion that the OFM was doing a lot better now than last week on recovery from his fall to the concrete a couple of weeks ago but it was not yet time to push the envelope at all. We definitely want our Grand Team Leader to be around for more trying to have tooooo much fun.

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