
Rugged Country

Adventure Location: Amistad NRA Texas
Adventure Date:3-15-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The day was gray and damp to actual rain so the Teams decided it was a good day to hit up some spots to see what was there or how they had changed. What we ended up with is some stop and look around spots without any significant on the ground meandering. The wetness will be good for the desert plants growth we hope. These spots are in no particular order.

We checked on the floating dock at a group area. The dock was down there on the rocks hollering to the lake “COME BACK HERE”.  But the lake just kept on going down lower. It has dropped about 6“ since yesterday. The OFM did not feel competent to go down the cliff safely so the photo above is from the top of the concrete walk that goes down to the dock.  It is definitely a rugged area.

Another location is a pull off to a Hunt Area.  This gap in the fence is the people entry to the area full of rugged ravines and prickly plants of all sorts. About ten years ago the OFM went in at this spot on a well traveled wider trail. The trail winded all over some very rugged hiking territory and the OFM was glad to get back to the truck that day. It appears to have grown a lot more brush with stickers since that day.

This is a place we came to years ago and it was too rough and full of brush for the Team to meander around in at that time. The trail is still mighty rough but the brush is less than the OFM recalls it being before.  However it is a rather close environment to be in with other nasty critters that live there so we passed on entering as a solo meanderer.

This rock pile is about 150 feet off Hwy 90. Years ago there was evidence of some tent camping going on in the hollow. However even then we did not like being in such close quarters to snake homes. So we never stayed there or returned until today. There was no evidence of recent stays by folks but we still did not like the general area as a camping spot.

This is a picture of Sierra patiently waiting for the OFM to return back up the hill from the campsite mentioned above.  It is a bit of an effort to climb back up that hill with all the loose rock.

And finally this is the scene to the right just as you clear the hwy 90 bridge on the north side of Del Rio Tx. Sierra took it easy going down to the “parking area” where a trash container waits. It will hold about six vehicles.  We meandered about a good bit since decent trails were in abundance from the parking area. Trails did go down the sides of the “hills” but the loose rock was more than the OFM thought he should attempt.  It was still a pretty place. Most likely it would be even more interesting if the lake was full.

That takes care of the meandering in the drizzle for today. We think it was a pretty good day anyway for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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