
Into the Canyon

Adventure Location: Amistad NRA Texas
Adventure Date: 3-19-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

The trail today starts at the left of the Diablo East boat ramp, which itself is another blog entry later, and winds down into the canyon to the left of the boat ramp. It is a developed trail that is easy walking surface with sufficient up and down to give your legs some exercise. Sierra found us a fine parking spot in the boat ramp parking lot near the trail entrance. If we recall correctly the trail is 1.5 miles total.

We definitely recommend taking water with you for this adventure.  A camera for recording the fun would also be nice. There is benches a few places along the trail in the canyon.  Basically you follow a trail notched into the side of a canyon and get to view down into the canyon. Flowers can be a special treat at the proper times of the year.

Ok lets get started. The entrance is just left of the top of the boat ramp and right behind the necessities building.

As we got into the brush it was quickly apparent that the rains had made a big difference from two weeks ago.  This batch of really happy cacti was one of the first sights to greet us to the trail.

Just follow the trail along and look at everything and in every direction. There are hundreds of neat views along this trail, both scenery and vegetation.  Shortly after the first curve to the left you get your first look down into the canyon. Since the lake is low because of furnishing irrigation water for crops the upper part of the canyon is dry.

Along the way you might get to see these large centipedes that we have seen at about 5 inches long. This one turned toward the OFM’s foot when he put his foot near to give a size reference. This is a small centipede for the area.

As you walk along the trail the views change often. Several times you will get to see one direction or the other down into the canyon. This view is looking back toward the mouth of the canyon.

Along about mid trail we caught this 12 power picture of some flowers down in the canyon. As we said the trail is fairly easy walking but walking off trail is not easy walking. So the OFM stayed on the trail.

When you reach the upper limit of the canyon the trail starts to slope gently up until you top out the canyon. Then it is a short walk to the RV dump station and fish cleaning station. From there it is a left turn and follow the trail back to your starting point. At the left turn point you can look back the way you came and see the whole canyon you enjoyed on the walk.

By the time we returned to Sierra the OFM was ready for some rest as the clouds had gone away and the sun was bearing down with a vengeance only the desert can provide. This is only one of many trails in the area and every one of them is an adventure in trying to have tooooo much fun.

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