
Water in the Air

Adventure Location: Del Rio Texas
Adventure Date:3-10-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

It was a very foggy morning for running the streets but that did not stop the OFM Teams.  The Blog must go on.  In fact the day went well into tonight so this is a short report.

The OFM set a goal of checking out the Governors Landing campground this morning in spite of the fog. Here was the view as we approached the entry area.

We meandered a huge chunk of ground and took seven cameras full of pictures. But the OFM is late getting to the writing so this is short tonight.

At one point we meandered around the shoreline to a point we could look up the canyon to one of the campsites of Governors Landing. This might make a great view from that campsite. The campsites are fairly small and sloped so check it first before trying to bring in even a medium size rig. This scene at night on a full moon ought to be fantastic.

Spring has not quite taken over the area yet.  We are expecting that to happen within the week. but for now this is an indication the spring explosion is about to happen. Millions of these little twigs with tiny leaves and buds are in the area.

It will not be long until those thorns will be ready to make you dance with pain. 

Soon we hope to have the water heater leak under control and then the major troubles will be finished. A bit of relaxation is in order before the OFM gets going too much again.  We have a HUGE or bigger list of things to do, see and record before the turn toward Grand Kid land in late April. 

We have not mention this in a couple of years but around the lake is four “hunting areas” that have MILES of trails to examine during non-hunting season that are full of places for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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