
Toilet Paper

Adventure Location: Lake Amistad, Del Rio, Texas
Adventure Date: 3-23-2020
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The drizzle rain was here again with chilly temperatures. The OFM decided we needed to hit up Walmart for fresh fruit so we headed out about 0930. When we got there the first thing we noticed was the current price for gas.

We will need to take advantage of that price in the near future.

After Sierra got us an excellent parking spot, we headed into the store expecting a mob scene again. It was not many folks and everyone was pleasant for a change. The fruit seemed to be fresh and reasonable priced. So some cantaloupe, apples and bananas jumped into the basket. We saw a basket with some toilet paper in it, so back to that part of the store and there were several cases on the shelf. The limit was one four pack per shopper. We grabbed a pack and smiled really big.

It was even septic safe, which means OK for RV tanks also. The OFM tested the paper and it fell apart in a few seconds of immersion into the water. We think the OFM is still grinnnnning.

When the sun broke out, the Teams went out meandering to see what we could see in some rough locations. The OFM is feeling the effort required to do all the walking around but we did get a LOT of nice pictures. We think he needs to pace himself a little better in the future.

But all we have ready tonight is these pretty yellow flowers to celebrate a great effort at trying to have tooooo much fun.

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