
No Explosion Yet (UPDATE)

Adventure Location: Amistad NRA Texas
Adventure Date:3-13-2020
Click the pic to enlarge it.

UPDATE: New Mexico has closed their State Parks to camping until at least April 9.

The Teams voted to make the Diablo East Nature Trail our walk for this afternoon. The main purpose was to check on the arrival of the flower explosion that comes along each year in early Spring. 

Sierra got us there and parked safely fairly close to the entrance of the trail. The trail entrance is from a fishing tournament trailer parking lot. Today it was crowded. But we did get a parking spot close to the trail entrance and away we went like a centipede with sore knees.

The trail is not long and is a loop on top of an out cropping. The surface is easy walking packed gravel and the OFM did not fall down for a change.

The area shows the lack of moisture that the whole area is needing. However right at the start this pretty rock lichen was proudly showing its colors and screaming out “ Hey look at me”.  So we did and took its picture.

We followed the nice trail around the area and headed on toward the far cliff. There are cliffs all over this part of Texas. When we reached where we could see over the cliff to the OFM’s old fishing spot, a palm tree blocked part of the view. We do not recall the palm tree being there but there it is. That must be a tough palm tree to grow in that spot.

Finally we found a few flowers. It is not looking good for a spring flower explosion but we still have hope for one. This cactus flower is known as a Claret Cup and they seem to glow when the sun hits them. It was an overcast day but the few flowers seemed to radiate color. It was pretty as you can see.

From here we meandered up the trail, and yes we mean UP the trail, back to Sierra. Sierra is a real patient truck. It never moves from where the OFM puts it.

This area has nice rest rooms over by the top of the boat ramp and good parking. We fill our water bottles at the rest room. All the public drinking water the OFM has tried over the last 13 years around here has had a pleasant taste.

This is a very good trail with some good views. It is not an exciting trail but  more of a very pleasant relaxing trail for trying to have tooooo much gentle fun.

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