
New Head Tonight


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 30, 2023

Another good morning start to the day. There was a heavy dew on everything this morning. Here is part of the soccer field with dew not frost.

The morning was not as cool as the last couple of them and the walking was brisker. We made good time and had one rest break of about five minutes a bit past half way. A tree that had blocked the path a couple of days ago has been cleared already.

Cleared tree pic goes here
We got a nice picture of an egret and its reflection, but it was a very long shot with the telephoto near max with an OFM breathing a little bit heavy so it is a bit blurry.

Since the OFM is wanting to start a new phase of his art education, he chose today for the first part of it. This is an effort at free hand art. It is colored pencil on cold press water color paper which is pretty rough for pencil work. That was what is at hand so it had to be used. Anyway here is an egret head for your laughter.

We hit up Walmart to shop for a more capable vacuum cleaner than the small hand held one we have now. We have to fit the new one in the Castle comfortably or it cannot be brought home. After a couple of hours of checking different vacuums and not finding anything we liked for our situation we headed over to automotive to check out shop vacs similar to the one we had for about twenty years and carried in the Castle until last year.

Lo and behold they had a one gallon shop vac that looks like it was made to fit in the Castle. So we came home to get space dimensions and go back tomorrow to see if it fits in the available storage area. If it does, one of them will come home and become a new OFM Team member.

The OFM flu injection site from yesterday did not have any inflammation from the injection this time. So we consider that history now. Next week will be the Covid injection and that is all for this year so far.

Tonight is planned to have a restful night to be ready for all sorts of exciting entertainment tomorrow as we work hard at trying to have tooooooo much fun.


  1. Glad you are drawing. Keep at it! And there's nothing wrong with looking a photos of egret beaks if you want to be accurate. Or, you can just do it as you feel is right. Anything is OK. Just keep at it. Glad your flu shot went well.

    1. Photo references have been part of my life for decades. I have huge shifts in colors when the picture loads into the computer on many pictures. The egret beak on paper is a lot different color than what the camera/computer puts on screen. I have not found the solution to that yet.

  2. Here is an article of what our electronics do to our pictures after we snap the shutter. Have fun.

  3. A small shop vac is priceless when you have a water leak inside, plus it does a reasonable job on the normal dirt & sand.

  4. Shop Vacs have so many uses. By putting a Nylon Sock over the hose is a great way to retrieve small parts that mysteriously fall out into places our hands won't reach.
    With time the Egret Reflection would be a great picture to draw as a way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy.

    It's about time.

  5. You did a great job on that egret's head. I like your detail.
