
New Hip Pains


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 6, 2023

The morning walk went well except for the half hour of rain and both hips having a new pain. The hips started to pain us about half way through the walk. About the same time the nice rain got going soaking the OFM. No problem since we always shower and put on clean clothes after the morning walk.

The new pain is a concern until we figure out what caused it. New pains are always a worry until they are defined and resolved in some way. At least it did not get any worse as we went along in the rain.

Today did finally give us the chance to start preparation of the big pot of pork chop stoop we have been planning on. This afternoon we got the fat sliced off the chops and the chops diced into 3/4inch cubes. Microwaving them at 1.5 minutes with the chosen spices on it with stirring every time the microwave finished its cooking session. It needed three sessions and now it is in the freezer to age a bit until tomorrow when we plan on producing the completed effort for future meals.

The picture we are working on is going well and we are enjoying using the water color pencils to do the painting. We think our readers might like the painting pretty well when it is finished because it is going to be really colorful and bright. But we have a good while to go before we get finished we think.

Pork chop stoop is on the agenda for preparation tomorrow as well as hip resting and recuperation. We will see how it all works out. We also have the small odds and ends of a couple of other small projects in the works just to keep us busy.

Everyone have a great time getting ready for tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. Putting up with Hip Pain can be a bad adventure of its own. Making Stoup and working on your Picture sound like a great way of having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
