
Dangerous Plans For On The Road Tomorrow


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 15, 2023

A slower paced day today but tomorrow is a gymnastics meet for Piper and we plan to be there to see her perform. We know she is very excited to be in the competition.

The walk was about 2.2 miles with the recommended halfway point five minute rest. Once again we finished earlier than we had been finishing and was not as beat. Thus we plan on the rest break from now on. Now to experiment on longer walks but including the rest break and see what happens then. Maybe we will figure out this walking soon.

Tonight we have the finished coloring named RESTING TIME.

It required some skills we had never done before and need more practice at doing them. We have three more colorings planned in this particular series.

Nothing especially good or bad went on this afternoon as we were shopping for a few items at the neighborhood Walmart but it seemed to take forever to find the hard to find items like aa batteries and a couple of other things. When we asked an employee where they were he turned around and led the OFM about twenty feet to an end cap full of batteries in plain sight. It was a bit embarrassing we did not see them ourselves.

We hope to get ourselves in good shape for driving in the traffic of central Huntsville tomorrow to the gymnastics competition. Tomorrow should be a great time of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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