
Knucklehead Camera Operator


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 29, 2023

There goes the OFM briskly along the path this morning. Yep a nice cool day, feeling good and look over there we need a picture of that. UP comes the camera and the on button is actuated and the camera says “NO MEMORY CARD”. Dad gum it. It is still in the computer. So now we know not to bother grabbing the camera on this walk. But that first chance was one of only two opportunities for something new to photograph today. However we need to get better at making sure we have ammo in the camera so we can shot nice pictures. The walk went so well it was almost three miles.

Later we were in little walmart near the campground and remembered that it was flu shot time again. So we moseyed over to the pharmacy to get a flu shot and a Covid shot. We did get the flu shot but they ran out of Covid shots this morning and will have more late next week. That will be fine for us.

A nice amount of time was spent playing with alcohol and OMS as colored pencil solvents and how to use them. They take a bit of practice we found out and they also have a few limitations the artist has to learn to handle. But is was fun.

The last thing tonight is a new coloring named Flower Basket 2. It took a long time to do for some reason. However we feel it came out fairly nice. We think it was three new techniques we learned during the coloring of this work that caused the extra coloring time.

A little visiting here and there finished out the day for us. Tonight we are looking forward to an earlier than normal bedtime for the OFM Teams. Who knows what is coming this weekend other than good rest we hope.

1 comment:

  1. Getting out for relaxing walks and colouring pictures is a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    You might need to make the Covid Shot an early morning priority.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
