
Old Folks System Worked


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 12, 2023

We put that old folks system to test today and it seems to be a much better style. We ended up with 2.5 miles total exercise walking. From the Castle it was a nice vigorous walk to the turn around point at a large pond near the trail. We made the turnaround with no trouble and headed back on the same trail to a nice bench area about fifteen minutes back. There we sat and goofed off about five minutes and seemed ready to get going so off we went. Sure enough it was enough for this cool morning. Hot weather would have needed more time for sure. The biggest surprise was at the normal slow down location due to getting pooped out went flashing by and we kept on moving to the Castle. Then inside the Castle the cool down period was so quick that it made the OFM think the clock was broke, but it wasn't. So now we will see how this new style works out for the long term. We have three of these length/style paths mapped out for our use.

We have a new coloring for you tonight. It is titled Flowers On Parade. This is a 4x6 small picture but was fun to color. We hope you enjoy it.

We stopped at Hobby Lobby to check out their adult coloring books but all their offerings had a scene laid out on each page front and backside. That wastes a picture you paid for since one side is all that can be painted for our use. It was a waste of time but we now know what is not available there.

In the meantime we have a stack of pictures taken over the last few days we have not handled yet and tomorrow is nominated as CLEAN THAT MESS UP day. Grand daughter Piper has events we plan to attend on Thursday and Saturday so we will be busy being grandpa for those days.

After half of the pulled pork stuffed baked potato tonight we are ready to get in laid back mode and rest up for some trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. I like the header picture! "Flint Creek/ Tennessee River Junction Decatur Alabama"
