
Feet Hurt


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 23, 2023

The plans for today had nothing to do with what really went on for the whole day. The first thing after breakfast the OFM went to put on his walking shoes and got reminded how miserable the new insoles were feeling. Yet we needed to change that before any walking. Before the new inserts the OFM could feel the thin spots in the insoles as we walked. So we bought new thick soles like we had that lasted about a year and a half and cut them on the size marks and installed them.

Two days later they still hurt his feet. So this morning became fix the new insoles morning. We walked a little bit in the campground to spot the hot spots in the OFM feet.

Then we sat down and checked each spot for WHYS. Sure enough on the first spot we checked the liner and he had cut the liner on the line for one size larger foot than he has. So we changed that and tried it. Instant relief for that sore spot.

For the the next hour we went over and over on the shoes making certain the shoes would not hurt us anymore.

To be certain we wore them all day and went to Walmart shopping, walked short laps here in the campground and just ran around all day to be safe about no pain. Sure enough tonight we had been doing chores all day and no more pains had shown up. So tomorrow it is back to walking in the normal manner.

During rest breaks and lazy guy breaks the OFM colored and made good progress on two colorings. They should be ready for viewing this week.

One thing about colored pencil coloring is the need for a lot thicker coat of pencil lead than we had thought needed. But it is needed to keep the paper from showing pinholes through the color. Then the colorist will wash the painting with a brush or other device with a solvent to make the coloring be nice and smooth. We normally used 91% isopropyl alcohol from Walmart . However an Internet site recommended OMS ( odorless mineral spirits) as a preferred solvent to use, so we went to Walmart to get a small bottle to try. It was also a chance to try out the fix on the shoes some more. The shoe fix was good but the OMS proved to be not our choice. It was way too much trouble we feel. We will keep on doing it the old fashioned way with the alcohol. Now we will soon have two pictures to show our readers and a small bottle of OMS to dispose of safely. So with a little luck tomorrow we will be back up and walking well and trying to have way tooooo much fun again.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing the two pictures.
    The Mineral Spirits make a good metal cleaner.
    I wish they made longer Shoe Inserts.
    Looks like you are finding plenty of things to keep having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
