
Almost Cold Morning

Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 28, 2023

This morning was about one degree from being cold out on the trail and with the significant easterly breeze. So the OFM chose parts of several trails that let us stay in the trees and brush to dodge the breeze and stay just right for warm. Lots of nice pics were available with the bright sun filtering down through the trees but we left them in the woods since we have dozens already in our files. What we did not have in the files was a certain type of pic of an egret or heron. When that appeared up in front of us we got that picture. There are three paintings we are hoping to do from scratch that will involve this poor innocent bird.

We got in 2.4 miles at a decent pace and made it back to the Castle in spite of missing a turn or three on the multiple trails we were on. At least the walk was not boring for us.

Back at the Castle we did some coloring and some planning on the painting we are going to try to do from scratch. It will be very interesting we think, at least for us.

After lunch we tackled the leaky water pump under the kitchen cabinet. Two drawers were pulled out and put on the bed. Then the right hand door to the underside of the sink was removed and put on the bed. My ancient drop light that uses incandescent bulbs was put to work.

After doing a diagram of the way the tubing/piping was routed so we can put things back the way they belong, we started the checking things out. When we got things right we were able to see that it was the pump that is leaking. Here is a closer picture of the rats nest under the counter.

What we really found out was the OFM does not have long enough arms or strong enough fingers to do the work needed. So this project will have to wait till we find a repair person who can get down and into the cabinet and do the replacement. Well at least that is settled and everything is back together now.

Tomorrow night we think another coloring will be ready to display. Also we hope tomorrow to start the sketching required for the from scratch painting we want to attempt. For certain getting bored from nothing to do is not happening around this place.

So every one relax and enjoy the evening in anticipation of working really hard at trying to have toooooooooooooooo much fun tomorrow. We are. 

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