
Dead Calm Morning


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 21, 2023

Another very beautiful day in this area. And we put together a new route from several pieces of other paths and had a good time. The weather was dead calm and cool. Check out this pic of Flint Creek.

We walked steadily and covered over two miles and got to see some scenery from a different angle for a change.

And that was the big event for the day.

A blog reader has asked to see the “ART STUDIO” inside the Castle. Well the art studio is the do everything table in the kitchen, dining room, and living room of the Castle. Here is a picture of the do everything table taken from the living room couch about six feet from the table. As you can see it is a great set up with everything within close reach. Yep the Castle is too little for anything to be far away.

Now we get to see a messed up painting that was done in the above art studio. This is Deer Feeding and what messed this up was the coloring book claiming to have paper pages that handle water colors. So we tried some watercolor pencils and the paper failed miserably. The wrinkles are huge and ugly. Any way this is what lies about the paper can do to a painting with all the wrinkling we tried to iron out of the mess.

Ok that is out of the way. Everyone relax and try to have tooooo much fun tomorrow.


  1. Just found out Geogypsy had a fire in her truck camper.

  2. That's terrible about Geogypsys fire, I guess any fire is terrible, but it seems like a fire at a fulltimer's home is even worse, because were usually far away from help and we lose everything we own. But at least she was unharmed and she can rebuild.

    I wish he had more information about what may have caused the fire, but I guess it will come later. but it's so often the propane refrigerator that I'm guessing that's what it could have been.

    But I wish her the best, it's probably going to be a long road before she's made whole.


  3. I have never met her in real life but we have swapped a few emails and she was always very pleasant.

  4. I guess the wrinkles don't photograph very well. I think it's a lovely scene. Good job, OFM.
    Headed over to gypsy's site now. Have a nice day, Barney.
