
Tree Rat Breakfast Spot


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 22, 2023

Another very beautiful day in this area. We put together another new route among all the trails and it was a fun event. The special part was that the fall changes have started and the OFM took several nice fall pictures for future blog postings. Another odd event was the beautiful cool morning did not have many folks out on the trail. Here is a picture of how pretty the morning trails were today.

It seemed like everywhere we looked was a picture hollering to be taken of the start of the fall foliage display of colors.

Our meandering among the trails sections caused the OFM to miss his normal resting bench. So we just kept on going and we found a rest spot in a picnic area near the main Point Mallard Park area. The bench had recently been used for a tree rat to have breakfast from the looks of it.

It worked out well as the view was very nice and a bit of a cooling breeze kept us really comfortable. As we got moving again we realized that we were approaching a hill of infamy for the OFM.

When we first started coming to this campground we discovered the trails and the OFM walked a lot more briskly 12 years ago. This hill is just past the start of the official hike and bike gravel trail. Well the OFM had a good head of steam going down the curved hill on the loose gravel. So he decided to put on a show for any watchers as he went down the loose gravel to make the curve. Sure enough about half way down it his feet took an unplanned detour out to the grass and the rest of his body tried to keep going around the curve. SPLAT AND ROLL time was here. Ego was damaged but not the body since he could still do the airborne roll he laerned in the army.

!2 years later as in now, the OFM goes slowly up or down this hill very carefully. Slipping and falling is no longer in his itinerary of OK to do acrobatic efforts. So we slowed to a slow speed and carefully stepped on the packed dirt parts of the trail. Falling at 77 years old is not a preferred fun activity.

Any way we had a great walk and saw lots of upcoming fall scenery developing. Back at the Castle we tackled the latest coloring effort with a vengeance and made very good progress.

All in all it was a nice day in North Alabama trying to have tooooo much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Using past memories to avoid slip and roll, sounds like a great way for having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
