
2.5 Days Off


Adventure Location:

Decatur, Alabama

Date: September 10, 2023

It has been a day for sure. This morning it was a short looping walk around the soccer field, ice skating rink and part of the biking trail we normally walk. The path was chosen to keep a restroom as close to the exercise route as we could. The route looped past two of them and we never needed either of them and got in two loops for a bit over two miles at a slow pace. For the last two days the OFM has not been but about 60% at the best. This morning was the same but we never found out the trouble. Stomach was somewhat upset but the rest of the digestive system worked just fine. Anyway a bit after lunch the OFM decided he just had to lay down and rest so he set an alarm for a half hour nap. Sometime during the nap the alarm went off and the OFM never heard it. When we did get awake and upright all the miseries we had been having were gone. And we are back at 100%. Wow what an adventure.

We did get one benefit during the slower walk this morning. The OFM feet kept objecting to being walked with. After several stops to check his feet and shoes, we realized the replaceable inserts were wore out at the forefoot area. So later after the miracle nap we changed the inserts and went for a gentle walk to the dumpsters and back. Yep that was definitely one of the trouble spots in the OFM world. Now we should have better walking fun for a while.

We need to be in good shape as we have two grand daughter PIPER events to attend this week and the OFM wants to be in grand shape for them.

Pork chop stoup was supper tonight and it was wonderful especially with a well body to hold it. So every one have a great night and do your best to try to have toooooo much fun tomorrow. We definitely will do our best.


  1. Finding ways to make the body more comfortable, is a great way for having tooooo much fun with the grands.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Glad your nap helped you to feel better, Barney! Have a great day today!
