
Tree Rats and Mothballs


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 10-08-2022

It was a nice day today. The morning garbage run turned into a mutual garbage run with a really nice neighbor lady. When we got to the dumpsters we decided the morning was nice enough that we meandered on along the walking path and back through the campground. We said our see ya laters and each headed their own way.

The OFM headed out the back of the campground through the trees and walked right out into the middle of the forgotten cross country races. The main park parking was FULL. Private vehicles and school busses were everywhere.

Then the OFM walked along the backside of the soccer field and could see the big open area near the fishing culverts was packed with folks and vendor tent with loud speakers going strong.

We got ourselves back to the Castle and into peace and quiet. There were a couple of year end chores to do so we got busy. Now that it is cooling off at night some tree rats (squirrels) and other animals have been spending time under the Castle. So the OFM got out his mothball supply and scattered moth balls under the Castle. That usually keeps the critters away for a couple of months. But this time we used up all of our supply so mothballs are on the shopping list.

The day was moving along slowly and easily and our new colored pencil supply came in today so we should be set for a few months now in that area of our frenzied life.

One thing we do each year that really helps our travel knowledge is about this time of the year we sit down for a couple of hours and total up ALL the money spent in the last year. Then compare that to our actual income. After 25 years of single man life it has proven to be a very good thing to do so we can adjust our life style to be comfortable for the next year. The good news this year is we get to keep on meandering instead of hunting paying work. YIPEE.

Our next big goal is to get the OFM eyes back into shape to roll. The Doctor appointment Wednesday should get us back on track to rolling by Jan 1, 2023 we hope. Rolling them wheels is a wonderful way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. "Our next big goal is to get the OFM eyes back into shape to roll. The Doctor appointment Wednesday should get us back on track to rolling by Jan 1, 2023 we hope. Rolling them wheels is a wonderful way of trying to have tooooo much fun."

    Had to laugh at this. A whole different idea about rolling one's eyes! You did say "get the eyes in shape to roll."
    I like the "YIPPEE " part of the post, too. Looking for work would be no way to have fun.

  2. Yep you figured out new meanings and I LIKE THEM.

  3. I've heard that the reason some put rope lights under RVs will keep rodents out. They don't like the light.
