
New Walk Distance Report


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 10-29-2022

The new shorter morning walk started well and finished much better. The day was cool and breezy. In fact the OFM wore a tee shirt and was fine except in a few instances when some very windy gusts moved through. Here was the view right after exiting the campground into the main park area.

We hit the start marker for the gravel trail a few minutes later and the OFM was feeling good. The pace was brisk due to the slight chill in the air but other walkers and runners were whizzing on past us with smiles on their faces.

The autumn defoliation is well on its way now. Here is a picture taken where you could not see through the underbrush to the lake three weeks ago. Now you can see the creek at a lot more locations along the trails. It is pretty nice to have different views during the seasons of the year we think.

We hit the planned turn around marker in good time and stopped to consider for a minute. Then we went on down the trail a little way and around a bend to the paved road circling the golf course and chose this scene as the new turn around point.

When we got back to the Castle and plotted the new path it worked out to be a total of a bit over 2.5 miles. The ornery foot section was just starting to put out some minor pains when we hit the end back at the Castle. We will work with this for a bit and see what happens.

During the return part of the walk we ran into a couple of friendly walkers that we often see on the trail. The old man is really very friendly but his walking partner is so friendly she makes Santa Claus seem like a grouch.

The next three weeks will be really interesting as the cataract eye surgeries are done and the doctor gets to examine the “office chair” eye for damage and see if more is needed for that eye to have done. Then we will finally be able to make some decisions about rolling or not. With that information we might even be able to choose a when we will again run around the country trying to have tooooo much fun.

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