
Salad, He Did It Again


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 10-30-2022

The drizzling rains are still lightly coming down tonight. It is about 2030 now and the Teams are tired of it. At least it has been intermittent so we did get out for a bit of exercise and photography. First thing today we hit up the grocery store and got out with only three bags of stuff. Then most of the inside time today was spent in wearing down colored pencils.

On one of the short walks between drizzle sessions we walked to the back gate of the campground. This is where the OFM usually exits when going on a normal walk. It is about a quarter mile from the Castle. If you look up to the left you can see a blue roof on a small pavilion that holds about 50 folks when seated. That shelter is where mile marked number one is located and labeled START. It is a really convenient spot to get yourself and your gear adjusted for your nice walk/run/bike ride on the gravel path that runs along the water.

As you can see from this pic the soccer matches go on no matter the weather except for lightning.

Then on another short walk between drizzles we headed to the opposite way from the back gate on the same road toward the garbage dumpsters. The campground folks pick up bagged trash at your campsite three times a day and take it to the dumpsters.

What we wanted to show you is the tent camping area. They have five sites and they are primitive for sure. There is one shared wter faucet. The nice restrooms are about a 100 yards into the rv parking area straight away from our camera. To our surprise these sites get a good bit of use during the year.

Supper was another big salad with even more variety of vegetables in it like small tomatoes. It was excellent again as usual.

The refrigerator and freezer are stocked very well in case something goes wrong during the surgery on Thursday. We will not starve for a good while. And as we know eating well is a great way of trying to have tooooo much fun.


  1. All my best for your upcoming surgery.

    A couple of questions for you if you would be so kind: 1) My neighbor bought a used RV that needs caulking on the top. What would you suggest as the best to use? 2) I am thinking about getting a pedometer as I have no idea how far I walk each night. Have you ever used one?

    Thanking you in advance!

    1. Answer 1. The one recommended for the type of roofing material the RV has on it. In the last twenty years several different roofing materials have been used. Search the Internet for current information. The new caulking location will need a good wash down and drying to make the new caulk do its best work and last about ten years.

      Answer 2. No pedometer for me for no special reason. However I go on Google maps and use their distance measurement ability to check my distances. It works around curves and zig zagz etc.
