
Staying Warm Inside The Castle This Winter


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 10-04-2022

We had a nice batch of this and that to take us through the day. The morning was another great day for exercise walking. Cool enough to make you want a brisk walk but not cold enough to cause shivering. Here is the nice scene at the start of the walking effort.

After the nice walk the OFM got busy on trying to work up some new ideas for painting. We played with the papers and colors for a while and got the brain beans to frying and it was productive.

From that point for the rest of the day ideas flew every direction. We ended up with a new adult coloring book with over fifty good ideas for new paintings.

At first review we thought that this new book could cause at least fifty new paintings BUT the latest new toy that followed us home will easily add 50% to the number of paintings to be done.

We found new proper size light pads at Walmart for $45. The previous light pad was way too large for the Castle's interior so we could not easily use it. It went to the grandkids house to help with the art and craft stuff over there. This new pad is just right for us to use in the Castle for creating our own ideas for paintings.

This new coloring book should go a long ways toward filling the Castle with lots of fun efforts at nice colored pencil paintings. We think it will be a wonderful way of trying to have tooooo much fun while staying warm inside the Castle this winter.


  1. Well for pete's sake. I never heard of a light pad so had to look it up. No more holding something up against a window pane!! Though it's been a long time since I felt the urge to trace something. But how cute is that!! Hmmmm

  2. Just finished a book mark by using the light pad to get it going. Saved a lot of time.
