
Rolling Again When?


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 10-13-2022

It has been a busy day of getting the OFM life back in order or at least attempting to. All the dope needed for the cataract surgeries is more than the dopey OFM has taken in his life ever it seems.

We spent over two hours going through the five different dopes we will need for the new eyes in November. But it will be worth it supposedly.

The morning walk was very speedy and only about 2.8 miles. We wanted to make it more aerobic today and we did. However, there is no running allowed by the OFM body structure. But it was a wonderful day of being on a trail enjoying Mommy Nature again.

A big concern that showed up at the Doc yesterday was the right eye pressure has gone way up since the chair punch. Two of the medicines that we are starting tonight are to attempt to get the pressure down so glaucoma will not become a trouble. The left eye is fine but the damaged right eye is running very high on eye pressure. After doing a lot of internet reading the OFM guess is that chunks of debris from the chair impact area are clogging the eye drains. The Doctor thinks we will be able to get control of the pressure but the OFM could be on eye drops the rest of his life. IF that is all it takes we can handle it.

The OFM likes being the type of artist known as a colorist. That way he gets to paint all sorts of colors on things that might not normally be that exact color. Well we have been running short of a couple of colors of pencils lately so we made a stop at Hobby Lobby and picked up a few pencils of specific colors like the light blue we like to use for daytime skies.

And the last thing tonight is rolling schedule considerations. According to the medical folks on the internet and the medical folks at the Doctor's office the OFM has plotted out his curing times to being able to safely roll. The best scenario is getting to roll the week of Christmas. That is not a choice we will take. The more likely timing is mid to late January. So it looks like the Castle and crew will be here for a nice winter vacation. At least it seldom gets really cold around here like it did when we were in Washington State for five years. Little occasional freezes at night and well above freezing by late morning is the usual. Being surrounded by a large body of water known as Wheeler Lake helps moderate the freezing a lot. We wonder what we will do for trying to have tooooo much fun tomorrow?


  1. I'm glad you are monitoring what is going on; you know about the increased eye pressure, so you can get the medicines to help fix it. So you're much more likely to come out ok. Will be nice if you can avoid " the rest of your life" stuff. I mean, that's about 25 years, right? 😁

    1. According to the Social Security life expectancy site I have a 50% chance of making 11.3 more years 87..

  2. Ha. I'm on the cusp of being 77. I never look that stuff anymore. Just go by family members, and their years, for females, have ranged from 79 to 99. I figure I'll be on the lower end of that range, and that's OK by me. Bits and pieces are deteriorating already. But I still love life and can do what I need, if not what I want. And I think even if your right eye fails you, you can get by. I'm mostly one eyed. Depth perception is a problem, but that's all. I still enjoy what I see and I can do paintings that win a prize (external validation apparently needed by me), and life is OK. I have a good friend who has had glaucoma for many years, many. He is gradually losing his vision, but keeping the pressure early on under control is important. You'll probaby be able to do that, but will have to get used to lots and lots of eye drops. I remain convinced you're gonna love the cataract surgery results.

    1. I have known for a few years that cataract surgery was going to be hitting me about my 76 birthday. So I was figuring on this or next summer it would happen. The concussion in late June and the chair fight in late August have made getting the cataract work done more complicated than I would have preferred. The Doc looked in the eye cavity at the residual damage and found it negligible and is very sure the total healing will be excellent. Aging still will bite though. I DON'T GIVE UP. but I am realistic.

  3. I am very familiar with those eye drops for high pressure. My husband has been taking those for the last 3 years. Just a part of the day.

    1. And I hope both of you keep on running the roads having fun.

  4. Soon you will be able to see your way clear.

  5. I've been on eye drops for Glaucoma for about 5+ years. When I started, I had trouble keeping my eye open while putting the drops in. My optometrist's nurse gave me great advice about giving myself the drops. She said to tilt my head back, CLOSE my eyes, put a drop in the area of my tear duct, open my eyes, blink my eyes a few times then dab any excess away. Since my drops go in at night, it is easier while laying down. Also, I have cataract surgery in my future and my doc said if needed, during that surgery, they can put a stent in my eye duct to help drain the fluid and thereby reduce the pressure. Good luck with it. Be safe.
