
Pine Needles Mess


Adventure Location: Decatur, Al

Today's Date: 10-17-2022

No longer freezing predicted for in the morning but it will be cold. Walking will likely be around noon time or afterward. This morning seemed to be stop and chat day on the trail. Three times we had wonderful chats with older folks out on the gravel walking trail. The three miles took a good bit longer than most days but it was a lot of fun. By the way if you are one of the step counting walkers, by definition 2000 steps is a mile. We still do not care but it was nice to find out so we can know what others are talking about.

In the afternoon the OFM got a wild hair and blew pine needles off of the Castle and the campsite. The are thick now and make a big mess. Here is a picture taken from the door of the Castle. You can see how thick the needles are in the area we chose not to blow clean. YUK.

Back on the trail report we came across and old abandoned part of the trail where it went a few yards down to the Creek. The green, yellow and red leaves make it look inviting until

the OFM remembers the chiggers waiting for lunch in there.

Later near the water we got a decent shot of turtles enjoying the sunshine in the cool breeze. They stayed there long enough for the OFM to get several varying pictures.

This is typical of the color in the trees right now. The vines etc growing up the trees are changing colors along the trunks of the trees while the tree leaves are just starting to turn fall colors.

A big surprise is that the OFM's eyesight was a lot better today. A long way to go yet but definitely a lot better than yesterday.

We did a little bit more watercolor pencil practice this afternoon but the urge was more of a get outside while you can so we did.

A good number of construction workers are moving into the area trying to fill some of the hordes of job openings available in the construction trades. So Point Mallard Campground will continue to run full. We are very glad to have an excellent site for until we leave. This happened a few years ago and we had trouble getting back into this campground when we wanted to come back.

In the mean time we are headed for the shower and resting up for trying to have tooooo much fun in the cold tomorrow.


  1. So a good day it sounds like, and looks like as there are good photos. Wonder if chiggers go away with the first freeze. You could give it a test. Ha. That's a test I would prefer to just consider rather than carrying out. There's been of lovely cool air here. Refreshing. I thought today was your eye doc. Maybe tomorrow. I have to look at the calendar on the wall to find out my own, a very retro way of doing things these days, but I rely on it.

    1. Eye Doc Date is Nov.3 for right eye cataract surgery and evaluation about the trauma trouble. Two weeks later is left cataract surgery and both cataract surgeries are expected to be normal.

  2. You've got lots of good trails without risking the chiggers, I think. The turtle would make a wonderful header pic. Glad you've got your spot, and that you like it there.
