
Wild Plans and Hopes

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-5-2020
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The OFM rolled out of bed late and took f o r e v e r  to get breakfast fixed, but it did not take him long to eat it.

Then we spent the day out and about. Exercise was the first order of adventure. He walked all around the Beach Park road and parking lots 
and did a fair amount of ramp walking also. A bone joint called the end to the exercise after about 2 miles.

Then we went over to check out the beach and pier for a fishing trip. GOOD GRIEF the water is so low the fish had to bring their own water with them. The seagulls out wading in the water did not even get the top of their feet wet. Here you can see what we mean.

Then we made a lot of effort on starting the preparation for rolling in a couple of weeks. We need to make up for 2 and a half months of goofing off. However the exercise walks back in Alabama each morning and the exercise walks and ramp walks here in Rockport are paying off. The OFM’s ability to walk far enough for some adventures has progressed so we are excited about heading off into the Texas desert. Texas has desert and mountains???? Yep Google Big Bend NP, Amistad NRA, Guadalupe Mountains NP, Black Gap WMA, Big Bend Ranch SP, Elephant Mountain WMA and The Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River to see some territory to make an OFM drool all over himself.

Look around at those areas to see what the OFM Teams are planning on touring until late April. To help with the adventuring we had a serious session of evaluating any new equipment we might be needing. There was one thing and it has joined the Teams.

A light weight day pack is our latest new member. We got rid of the hiking packs a couple of years ago. A large fanny pack was used for the last couple of years and proved to be inadequate for our needs. We are very excited to have the day pack join the teams. It is a very light duty DAY PACK and will allow us to carry a few more desirable things for our adventures. 

We will be assembling a new medical kit for the clumsy OFM to carry along with enough food and water to last 3-4 hours on a trail. Keep in mind the OFM is 73 years old and very worn orthopedically. There is no plan to attempt any of the rough hiking types of trails again. However we do want to be able to walk the developed WALKING trails in the parks again. For example the Panther Cave trail in Seminole Canyon SP is on our new list of trails to see, photograph and write stories about.  With a little luck the OFM might even be able to paint a few pictures of the areas we visit.

If everything goes right, we will barely touch on the HUGE amount of opportunities those areas have for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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