
2019 Cost

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-8-2020
Click a pic to enlarge it.

The OFM rolled out of bed earlier than expected. We had breakfast and were out the door by 0830.  Headed to the Beach Park and did the exercises. The glucosamine sulfate tablets are helping ease the joint pain a big chunk so the exercise is going very well.

Comfort Castle is now ready for the road at the teams whim. That does not take long when nothing is wrong as in NO ooopsies.

Then the rest of the day has been a lazy one. The OFM decided to total up all the living expense for 2019. This is the total cost for 2019 including the new refrigerator and five new tires and rims. The old rims were showing too much rust for the Teams comfort and were replaced last summer. Yes it was an expensive year with those upgrade/repairs AND Texas going up a large % on the vehicle insurance. So for the year the total cost the Teams for our life style was a little over $20,000. We should see a large drop in that cost for the next few years. The tires and rims should last five more years. The refrigerator should last 10 or more years. We do not track individual things like camping costs or gas costs or food or ????. Only total outgo is tracked.
Now all we need to do is a better job of trying to have tooooo much fun in 2020.

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