
The Ooopsie Exam

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-7-2020
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A simple easy day was a welcome happening today. The OFM slept until about 0730 this morning. Then he lingered over a cup of hot chocolate and the Internet for a good while. Finally breakfast of  scrambled eggs and diced potatoes cooked with diced onions and bell pepper and slathered with Lawler’s BBQ sauce was ready. It sure disappeared quickly. The rest of the day moved even more gently.

The winter day was bright and the exercise at the Beach Park was nice. Some other folks were over at the beach playing in the water and having a ball. Here is couple of them coming in to rest at a table.

The OFM messed around the area piddling but accomplished a major event (for the day at least) of taking this picture of a flower.

The only other thing of any significance was the delivery of the last package of items needed before we can roll.  They came in good shape so there is no more stuff needed for re-stocking the Castle.

Before each “rolling” a very careful examination of the Castle and Sierra is made in search of oopsies. We plan on that oopsie search starting tomorrow. When everything passes the exam then we will be able to roll the day the weather is correct west of here. We will know when that date is when it happens.

We are really looking forward to some desert time for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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