
Touched a Tree

Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-23-2020
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We awakened to cold wet fog covering everything with drippy dew. That is not usual for this area. We got the rig ready to move and moved to the state park about 1000. It was about a five mile tow. A nice visit with the rangers proved to be fun. Then on to our site.

Our new site is approximately 100 miles south and 150 miles west of Rockport and seems like it is on a different planet. Dry semi-arid brush country is the environment. Already it is feeling much better than the coastal WET with mosquitoes.

First walk around the Castle after arriving at the State Park revealed we got a bit too close to a mesquite tree along the way.

Here is our home for the next seven days. The water and electric site is moderately private, but not isolated. Here we are from the road.

This is taken from the back corner of the “front yard”. We are right across the street from the restrooms and showers. That might get handy. But check out that sky. It was still cloudy and foggy when we arrived at the SP. Thirty minutes later it was like in the photo. WOW.

Sierra took us on a tour of the park to refresh the OFM memories of it.  A little has changed for the better but mostly it is the same. It quickly became obvious that it will take several blog entries to cover the opportunities for adventures here.

Too soon it was late and supper time. How about a couple of pork chops with stir fried bell pepper and squash again. A nice topping of BBQ sauce really hit the spot.

We are having a bit of difficulty getting back into traveling mode after three months sitting still in Rockport. BUT we will do it and report the adventures. We have three months of freedom before we need to be back in Grandkid land.  

Look out world, the OFM Teams are running loose trying to have tooooo much fun again.

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