
Free Camping Beach

Adventure Location: Magnolia Beach, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-19-2020
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The OFM Teams had never been there before but the OFM in his previous life had been there several times to attend paddling events. We had heard while we were recently up in New Mexico, that it had improved greatly.

Magnolia Beach was just about the first free RV  camping the OFM had known of back in the early 70‘s.  It is well known in the RV traveling world but not talked about much.

So it was with some excitement the Teams hopped into Sierra and told Sierra to head over to Magnolia Beach. Sierra rared back and hollered “Lets go” and away we went. It is about an hour from our current campground and about 10 miles SE of Port Lavaca. 

The roads are very good and the drive was nice. The wind was not friendly but Sierra showed the wind it was not the boss. Sierra got 17 mpg going into the wind and 26 mpg going with the wind on the return trip.

We meandered carefully up to the entrance to the beach.  It is a shell beach and you camp next to the water. There are some decent rest rooms there. No dump station or water supply that we know of. Of course you have to create your own electricity. Here is the entrance to the beach and camping area.

The rules are posted on a large sign at the entrance and are very reasonable rules in our opinion.

The camping is a long stretch of waterfront beach. Part of it is right against the water. Part of it is at the cabana area which puts you back about fifty feet to the water but gives you a table to use.

This next rig is parked at the water and rigged for serious boondocking. Two wind generators and look at those racks on top that have solar panels on them.

It is about ten miles to Port Lavaca. PL has a Whataburger and a SuperWalmart as well as a few other stores. The town is well stocked and probably can supply any normal thing you might need. We know there are lots of good fishing spots in the area.

We saw about 25 rigs there and feel that another 50 or so rigs would fit in without crowding each other. 

Overall we found it a nice looking place for a few days of free camping while trying to have tooooo much fun.

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