
Just A Little Ways

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-11-2020
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The OFM mind works in strange ways we know. The bad migraine attack two nights ago is not making that strange mind work any better. So it was not a surprise when the OFM suddenly had the thought of “what is happening inland from our waterfront location”. There the thought happened and the action had to follow.

Sierra was ready for some road running and away we went. We got about three miles inland when the salt water environment turned into farming environment. Here is a picture from alongside a FM road.

It looks like they are ready to get the seeds into the ground any time now.

Then on down the road a little farther we saw this field with a healthy crop of windmills. However the land looks like the farmer is ready to double dip and add a dirt crop in also. His field needs a little more tractor work before it is time to plant.

The terrain change from salt to farmland happens in a few hundred feet. Then the coastal farmland goes for hundreds of miles all over the coastal plain. 

We have been told that with our mild weather the farmers can frequently harvest four crops in a year. We do not know if that is right or not.

After the trip the OFM decided he needed to assume the horizontal for a while as his best bet for having tooooo much fun.

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