
Good Neighbor

Adventure Location: Falcon Lake State Park, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-25-2020
Click the picture to enlarge it.

Another really excellent night for sleeping was wonderful.  Each of the camping sites in the water/electric area is on a loop off the main campground road. The sites all have heavy brush on three sides and is open to the loop side.  By the time an RV and tow vehicle is parked in the loop, you have a very private area for the shade shelter and other amenities.

So the OFM decided to show the road out front looking toward the campsites north of ours.

Literally from in the yard of our campsite we cannot see any other campers.

Last night when the Teams were down the trail to the lake and it started getting dusky, this was the sunset. Not the big flashy types of a lot of desert sunsets but we think it was nice anyway.

What has the OFM been doing with all this quiet and free time out here in the middle of nowhere? He is working diligently on wasting paper while attempting some art. Here is a picture of his messy dining/do everything table.

On one of the many walks we take every day, the OFM decided we needed to show you some of the pretty foliage along the trails. It is very pretty and you can get really stuck on them.

And we even have a friendly neighbor who stops by twice a day to check in on the OFM to make sure everything is going OK. 

There are still several trails the OFM has not lead the Teams onto.  He claims he needs to rest more since the milage has so suddenly gone way higher than it was for the three months in Rockport. He is right about one thing, every path and road is uphill going and coming back.

It is wonderful to be back into the desert environment with the clean air and low humidity for trying to have tooooo much fun.

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