
Great Fun All Day

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-4-2020
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Another fantastic weather day it was. The Teams rolled out of the Castle about 0830 and never stopped meandering until around 1700. It was a great day. We hit up the beach park around 1030 for exercise on a wheel chair ramp again. The OFM was doing so well it was crazy but he kept at it for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. 

The water was very clear and the air about 70F. The bright sunshine sparkled off the water like little flashing lights.

A few folks were out walking on the beach or birdwatching at the special section of the Park. It was just a wonderful morning.

Then after the fish sandwich from Whataburger the Teams voted to check out the fishing at the harbor.  It was still nice there.  You could see the bottom about four feet below the surface. However no fisher person even got a bite while we were there.

Next was a massive walking effort at the Memorial Park in Rockport.  Lots of folks and kids were roaming the park. The best part was hearing giggling and laughter all over the place. we love it when folks are having fun outdoors.
During the Teams walking the OFM shot about 25 more photographs.  Here is one of some fuzzy weeds that are in great abundance inside the park.

Arriving back at the Castle finally, the OFM decided it was art practice time. He decided to ry out again three types of art mediums. Colored pencil, Oil Pastels and Watercolor Pencils in a heads up contest. The contest ran for over two hours and the winner did not happen. All three mediums have some major assets and a shortcoming of one sort or more. Here is the testing sheet.

You can be sure of one thing we got close to having tooooo much fun again. It was great.

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