
Sun and Beach

Adventure Location: MISP, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-6-2020
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The OFM hit the floor running today. Tonight he regrets the running part. Breakfast with some friends in Aransas Pass was his first agenda item. After that nice event he went to the Beach Park and made ten round trips up and down the ramp. Then it was speed walking time inside the park until he wore out. Finally time to go home and rest was the thought.

Back at the Castle he worked on trying out some more painting techniques. But suddenly he had a serious pain in the side of his head where a thought had splatted. Hey Fool, your header saying is “Don’t Wait. Do It Now” and right now the weather is perfect for a beach visit.

That was all it took to get the OFM moving again. Checking the clock it was perfect timing to get rolling, catch the ferry to Port Aransas and park at Whataburger for lunch. No excuses were allowed and we rolled like the old days.

Lunch was soon inside the OFM and away we headed for Mustang Island State Park. It took a couple of extra minutes at the entry gate since a new person was learning the system for entry. After a few minutes in the campground looking at the camping sites Sierra insisted on heading for the Beach. So we did.  As we started down the road to the beach entry there was a new sign big and conspicuously planted at the entrance to the beach..  4X4 DRIVE RECOMMENDED.  So the teams slowed down to see why the new sign.  The sand looked better than usual for driving, so the sure tired Sierra ran right over the loose sand at the entrance like it was a super highway.  POOOF and we were headed for the Fish Pass Jetties.
Sierra is pretty sure footed in beach sand so we had no trouble any where on the beach today.

The tides were really low and there was not many folks our enjoying the weather.  The beaches looked like they had been cleaned of any interesting beach combing items. So the Teams just went jetty climbing, picture taking and sand scrambling.

As we meandered toward the beach between the jetties this rather nice view came into the camera range and with a delicate click the image came home with us.

And a trip to a Texas beach has to have a beautiful flower photograph or it is a failure.  This yellow flower was hiding in plain view behind a low dune. the OFM carefully sneaked up to the flower and grabbed a picture for our enjoyment.

We wandered, meandered and wallowed in the wonderful bright sun and cool breeze to our hearts content. Finally the OFM was ready to head home before the ferry getting off work crowd hit the ferry landing. So it was off to have a ferry ride again. 

We got back to the Castle in time to rest a bit from the good job we had done of trying to have tooooo much fun at the beach.

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