
Volcano Sun

Adventure Location: Falcon SP, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-28-2020
Click the picture to enlarge it.

Tomorrow is the last day in this campsite. It is reserved for new occupants so we have to move out Thursday morning.  We spent a good while looking at the free camping just outside the state park and a lot of time looking at the dry camping area here in the state park. So tonight we still have no idea where we will end up for next week. It is still a little too cold much farther up north. It needs a couple of more weeks to warm up in the Del Rio area. 

As the OFM was fixing supper he suddenly realized that we were finally going to have a nice sunset. He turned the fire off and we took off for the boat ramp area. Sierra got us the closest parking spot to the cliff the OFM wanted to shoot the sunset from. 

Out of Sierra and at a fast walk suddenly the back side of the OFM belt tried to ram the front side of the OFM belt. You would not think somebody that obese could stop that quick. But he did.

A really neat scene with sunlight and grass was in front of us. There was time for a few photos and here is the best of the bunch.

Sun Washed Grass

Then we hurried over to the edge of the cliff and found a nice spot for the sunset. We made it with about five minutes to spare so the OFM meandered carefully to the edge of Death Valley below us.  The sun cooperated and we got about a dozen shots  of which this was our chosen one.

Sunset on the Lake

As he watched the sunset some more, the OFM realized that a different viewpoint might give another pretty good picture for tonight’s blog of the sun volcano that was about to happen. How do you like the volcano picture below.

Volcano Sunset

Tomorrow is house cleaning, and general straightening up of things so we can roll Thursday morning to wherever we go in our efforts at having tooooo much fun.

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