

Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-3-2020
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A beautiful cool day was well received. By 1000 it was T shirt weather. So the OFM went nuts running around doing things and he is a worn out puppy tonight. We keep having to pop him with a plastic stirring spoon to keep him awake at the computer. POP   ouch.

Sierra made certain that we got the Beach Park sticker renewed for a year. That is a well spent $20 each year.

While we were at the Beach Park a stop was made at the fishing pier that had several boards stripped with white paint a few days ago. The good news is that the repair work is moving right on along.

While we were out on the pier two friends, Don and Patsy, stopped by to see if the OFM Teams were in the park. We were and after a few minutes of telling stories (lies) about fish, they headed on to Allegro Channel to see about some bank fishing next week.

The OFM headed up the ramps for exercise. While he was at the upper balcony  D&P came driving by on their way back to their RV. That is Patsy waving from the cab window. They are nice folks.

The clover is growing like crazy in the last three days. It is covering huge areas with lush growth. Check out this esplanade at the parking lot.

And it is deep too. The OFM foot nearly disappeared into the depths of the DARK WORLD when he stepped into the clover.

Nope no fish were caught today. But we hope for better luck tomorrow while we are out trying to have tooooo much fun.

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