
Broken Breaker

Adventure Location: Falcon SP, Texas
Adventure Date: 1-30-2020
Click the picture to enlarge it.

Today was moving day. The rent ran out last night and new folks were due in soon.  To stay in the elec/water sites the OFM Teams had to move. We got online and chose a site two spaces down. It was not bad to have to break down camp since the holding tanks were getting close to dumping time anyway.

We pulled into the new site and got partially set up when the OFM took this picture of our new backyard.

Then he went into the Castle to find that we did not have 120 volt service. Back outside he went and did the check on all the things that he might have done wrong. Still no power. Sierra took him back to the office and told them about the power trouble. They made a call and said the guys will be there very soon. As we were getting out of Sierra at the campsite the guys walked up.

Within a couple of minutes the electrician fellow determined the breaker had failed. So off they went to get a new breaker.  The OFM continued the setup routine, but before he finished the fellows were back and ten minutes later a new breaker was in place and the Castle had power.
Big thank you to them and all was right at the campsite.

We messed around with a few things and then drove into Roma to the Whataburger. On the way back Sierra got an itch and we went exploring some of the “interesting” back roads of the area. 

Back at the Castle again more cleaning and arranging was done. then the OFM sat down to play with the art paints.  He was just trying out new techniques and types of paper.  

Suddenly he remembered he was supposed to be cooking chicken for supper tonight, so he got right on it.  The broth left from boiling the chicken sure smelled good, so he decided it would become chicken and rice soup. One breast was chopped into small pieces and added back to the pot. A cup of rice was added and a blob of water. The heat was applied. Then the OFM decided the soup needed a can of low salt whole kernel corn. In went the corn. Everything was slow cooked with added spices of choice.

It ought to be really good with the chicken salad planned for lunch tomorrow. 

Speaking of tomorrow we plan to do some grocery shopping at the local Mexican style grocery store.  It ought to be a fun way of trying to have tooooo much fun.

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