
Sun Was Trying To HIde


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Date: May 23, 2023

We had a slow day but healing progressed we think. The morning was gentle and mostly inside until it was lunch time. Crispy shredded chicken tacos, beans and rice and sweet tea makes a good lunch when you have a not just right tummy.

When we got back from lunch the OFM noticed his physical rehab weight just waiting to be used.

We had not been using it since the mosquitoes kept us inside mostly. So the OFM's rebuilt left shoulder was not getting its proper exercise to keep it working well. The trouble was that the OFM had not figured out a place inside the Castle where we could make our reps of the required moves safely. A bit of thinking and trying things and we found a spot inside the Castle where we had a couple of inches to spare to do the exercise. So both arms got the fifteen reps needed as a minimum. Tomorrow if the joints do not ache too much we will do more. Both shoulder joints do much better if they get the daily minimum of work out.

Anyway the OFM was doing pretty well on the stomach sickness by now. But we still took it easy on the old body.

When we headed out for the sunset to see what happens , we met a wonderful couple from Hillsboro Texas. That certainly made the waiting on the sunset really nice. Thank you folks.

The sun was not exactly cooperating very well but we did the best we could figure out to do. It was not nearly as nice as last nights. There was many variations of swirling and wild clouds with all sorts of wild lighting views. When it got down to the real sunset things were still pretty bland for a sunset. However we feel that the cloud show was nice and pleasant even though the sun went behind the bridge to hide.

But the sun could not stand it not being the star of the show and started peeking out from under the bridge to see what was happening. We grabbed a shaky in the wind long hand held telephoto picture of the sun peeking out at us.

It turned out to be a very unusual but fun sunset adventure for trying to have tooooo much fun.