
Night Tours By Boat


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Date: May 21, 2023

What a day! Morning was slow and all day long things kept on speeding up. It was so much happening at sunset we did not get back to the Castle until about 2100 to start on the blog. So most of the day will go unreported as we just visited and looked around and gathered all sorts of stuff for blog entries but the real gathering started when the OFM went to the boat ramp to see the sunset. The next hour and a half was very busy.

We did make it to have a mile and a half walk in spite of the mosquitoes.

We went to the boat ramp in hopes of some sunset pictures and ran into lots of nice stories for tonight.

This next picture is about what we call the night boats.

Night boats picture goes here.

This area of Texas has lots of boat tours for all sorts of stuff. We frequently see boats leaving in the late evening for night time tours of we have no idea what. But they are frequent and and well attended. In his younger years the OFM has been on the water at night in Galveston Bay several times and found it to be a very interesting boat ride in the dark when the moon is bright. From what we could hear this was going to be an exciting boat ride tonight.

A very nice fellow was fishing right next to the bridge to the bay front camping and the OFM was on the bridge taking pictures for tonight's blog. We had nice long conversations about traveling and the western USA sights to see. He was from South Dakota. The skies were active tonight and wonderful viewing. The shapes kept on changing every few minutes. We finally had to choose one of them for tonight's pic of the litter.

Then a nice lady from the Philippines came along the bridge taking pictures. She was brand new to the area so we spent a good while taking pictures and talking about her trip in the area. She is a good adventurer it sounds like from all the “correct” questions she asked about the area. Her camera handling and pictures she chose to record were all first class. She will have a lot of neat pictures from this trip we are sure. We get a big good feeling helping folks enjoy an area.

After a good while working with our pictures of the sunset we finally chose one we like for our sunset picture. We hope at least a few folks will like it.

Every one get a fantastic rest tonight so you will be ready for the start up of the week leading to Memorial Weekend and all the excitement having tooooo much fun it will be.


  1. Sounds like you had a good day, even if mosquitoes were out. And there's just one word to describe that sunset.

  2. That's a really good sunset picture!

  3. Yes, it is an excellent shot of the sunset on the water. It's so nice to meet like-minded folks out and about, and the chatting sure is easy with all the common topics. Thanks for posting. 💙

  4. Always loved being by the water at night, especially for the pictures.
    Being in Canada, we celebrate Victoria Day the week before Memorial Day. They both help everyone enjoy having tooooo much fun.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.
