
Pushy Bird


Adventure Location: Rockport, Texas

Date: May 7, 2023

The OFM body announced first thing thing this morning we we were going to do an exercise walk at some speed this morning and it would be at the Beach Park for a change in terrain. So breakfast was swallowed and off we went to choose a route. After parking Sierra at the gazebos we checked the strong wind and it was plenty to keep the mean mosquitoes off the OFM. So off we went for an undetermined distance since we had never done this route before. We wound around all over near the blocked off nesting birds area.

At one location we got to see the aftermath of the earlier winds.

You can see the waves were breaking over the walking path and leaving sea weed laying around for the mosquitoes to reproduce in. The new route was very nice over all and was 1.75 miles when we quit. At one1ocation during the walk this ugly critter was letting us know it was ready for a snack and we better hurry up about tossing something for it to eat. We know better than to feed the wild critters so we just kept on walking.

We put in a lot of time trying to work out a route to Grandkidland. The worst news is the private campground in Lexington Texas we were counting on is full for the next year housing workers from a construction project in the area.

So it was back to the planning effort. The other news is apparently some folks are changing their plans on state parks camping and a few reservations have shown up from cancellations. We will be taking advantage of that tonight if any work out good for us.

Now we need to get back to trying to have tooooo much fun. Good night.

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